class | Camera |
| This class is the main interface with the camera and the SDK features, such as: video, depth, tracking, mapping, and more. More...
class | ZEDCommon |
struct | Matrix3x3 |
| Holds a 3x3 matrix that can be marshaled between the wrapper and C# scripts. More...
struct | Resolution |
| Holds a camera resolution as two pointers (for height and width) for easy passing back and forth to the ZED wrapper. More...
struct | Rect |
| Rect structure to define a rectangle or a ROI in pixels Use to set ROI target for AEC/AGC More...
struct | CameraConfiguration |
| Structure containing information about the camera sensor More...
struct | CameraInformation |
| Structure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, input type, etc.) More...
class | PositionalTrackingParameters |
| Parameters for positional tracking initialization. More...
struct | Pose |
| Pose structure with data on timing and validity in addition to position and rotation. More...
struct | ImuData |
| Full IMU data structure. More...
struct | BarometerData |
struct | MagnetometerData |
struct | TemperatureSensorData |
struct | SensorsData |
struct | SensorParameters |
| Structure containing information about a single sensor available in the current device More...
struct | SensorsConfiguration |
| Structure containing information about all the sensors available in the current device More...
class | RuntimeParameters |
| Runtime parameters used by the ZEDCamera.Grab() function, and its Camera::grab() counterpart in the SDK. More...
struct | CameraParameters |
| Calibration information for an individual sensor on the ZED (left or right). More...
struct | CalibrationParameters |
| Holds calibration information about the current ZED's hardware, including per-sensor calibration and offsets between the two sensors. More...
class | InitParameters |
| Struct containing all parameters passed to the SDK when initializing the ZED. These parameters will be fixed for the whole execution life time of the camera. More...
struct | RecordingParameters |
| Sets the recording parameters. More...
struct | StreamingParameters |
| Sets the streaming parameters. More...
struct | DeviceProperties |
| Device properties More...
struct | StreamingProperties |
| Streaming device properties More...
struct | RecordingStatus |
| Container for information about the current SVO recording process. More...
class | SpatialMappingParameters |
| Sets the spatial mapping parameters. More...
class | Mesh |
| A mesh contains the geometric (and optionally texture) data of the scene captured by spatial mapping. More...
class | FusedPointCloud |
| A fused point cloud contains both geometric and color data of the scene captured by spatial mapping. More...
struct | Chunk |
| Represents a sub-mesh, it contains local vertices and triangles. More...
struct | PlaneData |
| Structure that defines a new plane, holding information directly from the ZED SDK. Data within is relative to the camera; More...
struct | BatchParameters |
| sets batch trajectory parameters The default constructor sets all parameters to their default settings. Parameters can be user adjusted. More...
struct | AI_Model_status |
| Contains AI model status. More...
struct | ObjectDetectionParameters |
| Sets the object detection parameters. More...
struct | ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters |
| Sets the object detection runtime parameters. More...
struct | ObjectData |
| Object data structure directly from the SDK. Represents a single object detection. More...
struct | CustomBoxObjectData |
| Container to store the externally detected objects. The objects can be ingested using IngestCustomBoxObjects() function to extract 3D information and tracking over time. More...
struct | Objects |
| Object Scene data directly from the ZED SDK. Represents all detections given during a single image frame. Contains the number of object in the scene and the objectData structure for each object. Since the data is transmitted from C++ to C#, the size of the structure must be constant. Therefore, there is a limitation of 200 (MAX_OBJECT constant) objects in the image. More...
class | ObjectsBatch |
| Contains batched data of a detected object More...
struct | char2 |
| Represents a 2D vector of uchars for use on both the CPU and GPU. More...
struct | char3 |
| Represents a 3D vector of uchars for use on both the CPU and GPU. More...
struct | char4 |
| Represents a 4D vector of uchars for use on both the CPU and GPU. More...
struct | float2 |
| Represents a 2D vector of floats for use on both the CPU and GPU. More...
struct | float3 |
| Represents a 3D vector of floats for use on both the CPU and GPU. More...
struct | float4 |
| Represents a 4D vector of floats for use on both the CPU and GPU. More...
class | Mat |
| Mirrors the sl::Mat class used in the ZED C++ SDK to store images. Can be used to retrieve individual images from GPU or CPU memory: see Camera.RetrieveImage() and Camera.RetrieveMeasure(). More...
enum class | Constant |
| Constant for plugin. Should not be changed More...
enum class | ERROR_CODE |
| List of error codes in the ZED SDK. More...
enum class | COORDINATE_SYSTEM |
| List of available coordinate systems. More...
| Possible states of the ZED's Tracking system. More...
enum class | REFERENCE_FRAME |
| Reference frame (world or camera) for tracking and depth sensing. More...
enum class | SENSOR_WORLD |
| Defines the world type that the SDK can use to initialize the Positionnal Tracking module More...
enum class | TRACKING_FRAME |
| Part of the ZED (left/right sensor, center) that's considered its center for tracking purposes. More...
enum class | HEADING_STATE |
enum class | SENSOR_TYPE |
| List of the available onboard sensors More...
enum class | SENSORS_UNIT |
| List of the available onboard sensors measurement units More...
enum class | DEPTH_MODE |
| Lists available depth computation modes. Each mode offers better accuracy than the mode before it, but at a performance cost. More...
enum class | SENSING_MODE |
| Lists available sensing modes - whether to produce the original depth map (STANDARD) or one with smoothing and other effects added to fill gaps and roughness (FILL). More...
enum class | MEASURE |
| Lists available measure types retrieved from the camera, used for creating precise measurement maps (Measure-type textures). Based on the MEASURE enum in the ZED C++ SDK. For more info, see: https://www.stereolabs.com/docs/api_3.X/group__Depth__group.html#ga798a8eed10c573d759ef7e5a5bcd545d More...
enum class | INPUT_TYPE |
| Lists available input type in SDK. More...
enum class | CAMERA_STATE |
| List of possible camera state More...
enum class | RESOLUTION |
| Represents the available resolution options. More...
enum class | FLIP_MODE |
| brief Lists available compression modes for SVO recording. More...
enum class | MODEL |
| Types of compatible ZED cameras. More...
enum class | VIEW |
| Lists available view types retrieved from the camera, used for creating human-viewable (Image-type) textures. More...
enum class | VIDEO_SETTINGS |
| Lists available camera settings for the ZED camera (contrast, hue, saturation, gain, etc.) More...
enum class | TIME_REFERENCE |
| Categories indicating when a timestamp is captured. More...
| SVO compression modes. More...
enum class | STREAMING_CODEC |
| Streaming codecs More...
enum class | SIDE |
| defines left,right,both to distinguish between left and right or both sides More...
| Spatial mapping depth resolution presets. More...
enum class | MAPPING_RANGE |
| Spatial mapping depth range presets. More...
enum class | SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE |
| Spatial Mapping type (default is mesh) More...
enum class | MESH_FILE_FORMAT |
| Mesh formats that can be saved/loaded with spatial mapping. More...
enum class | MESH_FILTER |
| Presets for filtering meshes scannedw ith spatial mapping. Higher values reduce total face count by more. More...
| Possible states of the ZED's Spatial Mapping system. More...
enum class | UNIT |
| Units used by the SDK for measurements and tracking. More...
enum class | PLANE_TYPE |
| Type of the plane, determined by its orientation and whether detected by ZEDPlaneDetectionManager's DetectFloorPlane() or DetectPlaneAtHit(). More...
enum class | AREA_EXPORT_STATE |
| Possible states of the ZED's spatial memory area export, for saving 3D features used by the tracking system to relocalize the camera. This is used when saving a mesh generated by spatial mapping when Save Mesh is enabled - a .area file is saved as well. More...
enum class | BODY_FORMAT |
| Lists of supported skeleton body model More...
enum class | OBJECT_CLASS |
| Lists available object class More...
enum class | OBJECT_SUBCLASS |
| Lists available object subclass. More...
| Tracking state of an individual object. More...
enum class | OBJECT_ACTION_STATE |
| Lists available object action state. More...
enum class | DETECTION_MODEL |
| List available models for detection More...
enum class | AI_MODELS |
| Lists of supported bounding box preprocessing More...
enum class | BODY_PARTS |
| semantic and order of human body keypoints. More...
enum class | BODY_PARTS_POSE_34 |
| ssemantic of human body parts and order keypoints for BODY_FORMAT.POSE_34. More...
enum class | MAT_TYPE |
| Type of mat, indicating the data type and the number of channels it holds. Proper mat type depends on the image type. See sl.VIEW and sl.MEASURE (in ZEDCommon.cs) More...
enum class | COPY_TYPE |
| Categories for copying data within or between the CPU (processor) memory and GPU (graphics card) memory. More...
enum class | MEM |
| Which memory to store an image/mat: CPU/processor memory or GPU (graphics card) memory. More...