class | PositionalTrackingStatus |
struct | RecordingStatus |
| Structure containing information about the status of the recording. More...
class | InitParameters |
| Class containing the options used to initialize the sl::Camera object. More...
struct | RuntimeParameters |
| Structure containing parameters that defines the behavior of sl::Camera::grab(). More...
class | PositionalTrackingParameters |
| Structure containing a set of parameters for the positional tracking module initialization. More...
class | SpatialMappingParameters |
| Structure containing a set of parameters for the spatial mapping module. More...
struct | StreamingParameters |
| Structure containing the options used to stream with the ZED SDK. More...
struct | RecordingParameters |
| Structure containing the options used to record. More...
class | BatchParameters |
| Structure containing a set of parameters for batch object detection. More...
class | ObjectDetectionParameters |
| Structure containing a set of parameters for the object detection module. More...
class | ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters |
| Structure containing a set of runtime parameters for the object detection module. More...
class | CustomObjectDetectionProperties |
| Structure containing a set of runtime properties of a certain class ID for the object detection module using a custom model. More...
class | CustomObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters |
| Structure containing a set of runtime parameters for the object detection module using your own model ran by the SDK. More...
struct | BodyTrackingParameters |
| Structure containing a set of parameters for the body tracking module. More...
struct | BodyTrackingRuntimeParameters |
| Structure containing a set of runtime parameters for the body tracking module. More...
class | PlaneDetectionParameters |
| Structure containing a set of parameters for the plane detection functionality. More...
struct | RegionOfInterestParameters |
class | Camera |
| This class serves as the primary interface between the camera and the various features provided by the SDK. More...
class | InitParametersOne |
| Class containing the options used to initialize the sl::CameraOne object. More...
struct | CameraOneConfiguration |
| Structure containing information about the camera sensor. More...
struct | CameraOneInformation |
| Structure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, input type, etc.). More...
class | CameraOne |
| This class serves as the primary interface between the camera and the various features provided by the SDK. More...
class | String |
| Class defining a string. More...
struct | Resolution |
| Structure containing the width and height of an image. More...
class | Rect |
| Class defining a 2D rectangle with top-left corner coordinates and width/height in pixels. More...
struct | DeviceProperties |
| Structure containing information about the properties of a camera. More...
struct | StreamingProperties |
| Structure containing information about the properties of a streaming device. More...
class | Mat |
| Class representing 1 to 4-channel matrix of float or uchar, stored on CPU and/or GPU side. More...
class | Rotation |
| Class representing a rotation for the positional tracking module. More...
class | Translation |
| Class representing a translation for the positional tracking module. More...
class | Orientation |
| Class representing an orientation/quaternion for the positional tracking module. More...
class | Transform |
| Class representing a transformation (translation and rotation) for the positional tracking module. More...
struct | CameraParameters |
| Structure containing the intrinsic parameters of a camera. More...
struct | CalibrationParameters |
| Structure containing intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera (translation and rotation). More...
struct | SensorParameters |
| Structure containing information about a single sensor available in the current device. More...
struct | SensorsConfiguration |
| Structure containing information about all the sensors available in the current device. More...
struct | CameraConfiguration |
| Structure containing information about the camera sensor. More...
struct | CameraInformation |
| Structure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, input type, etc.). More...
class | Pose |
| Class containing positional tracking data giving the position and orientation of the camera in 3D space. More...
struct | SensorsData |
| Structure containing all sensors data (except image sensors) to be used for positional tracking or environment study. More...
class | ObjectData |
| Class containing data of a detected object such as its bounding_box, label, id and its 3D position. More...
class | CustomBoxObjectData |
| Class that store externally detected objects. More...
class | CustomMaskObjectData |
| Class that store externally detected objects with mask. More...
class | Objects |
| Class containing the results of the object detection module. More...
class | BodyData |
| Class containing data of a detected body/person such as its bounding_box, id and its 3D position. More...
class | Bodies |
| Class containing the results of the body tracking module. More...
class | ObjectsBatch |
| Class containing batched data of a detected objects from the object detection module. More...
class | BodiesBatch |
| Class containing batched data of a detected bodies/persons from the body tracking module. More...
class | CommunicationParameters |
| Holds the communication parameter to configure the connection between senders and receiver. More...
struct | SVOData |
struct | HealthStatus |
class | MeshFilterParameters |
| Class containing a set of parameters for the mesh filtration functionality. More...
class | Chunk |
| Class representing a sub-mesh containing local vertices and triangles. More...
class | Mesh |
| Class representing a mesh and containing the geometric (and optionally texture) data of the scene captured by the spatial mapping module. More...
class | Plane |
| Class representing a plane defined by a point and a normal, or a plane equation. More...
class | PointCloudChunk |
| Class representing a sub-point cloud containing local vertices and colors. More...
class | FusedPointCloud |
| Class representing a fused point cloud and containing the geometric and color data of the scene captured by the spatial mapping module. More...
class | CameraIdentifier |
| Used to identify a specific camera in the Fusion API. More...
class | FusionConfiguration |
| Useful struct to store the Fusion configuration, can be read from /write to a JSON file. More...
struct | SynchronizationParameter |
| Configuration parameters for data synchronization. More...
class | InitFusionParameters |
| Holds the options used to initialize the Fusion object. More...
class | BodyTrackingFusionParameters |
| Holds the options used to initialize the body tracking module of the Fusion. More...
class | BodyTrackingFusionRuntimeParameters |
| Holds the options used to change the behavior of the body tracking module at runtime. More...
class | ObjectDetectionFusionParameters |
| Holds the options used to initialize the object detection module of the Fusion. More...
class | GNSSCalibrationParameters |
| Holds the options used for calibrating GNSS / VIO. More...
class | PositionalTrackingFusionParameters |
| Holds the options used for initializing the positional tracking fusion module. More...
class | SpatialMappingFusionParameters |
| Sets the spatial mapping parameters. More...
class | CameraMetrics |
| Holds the metrics of a sender in the fusion process. More...
class | FusionMetrics |
| Holds the metrics of the fusion process. More...
class | ECEF |
| Represents a world position in ECEF format. More...
class | LatLng |
| Represents a world position in LatLng format. More...
class | UTM |
| Represents a world position in UTM format. More...
class | GeoConverter |
| Purely static class for Geo functions. More...
class | GeoPose |
| Holds geographic reference position information. More...
class | GNSSData |
| Class containing GNSS data to be used for positional tracking as prior. More...
class | FusedPositionalTrackingStatus |
| Class containing the overall position fusion status. More...
class | Fusion |
| Holds Fusion process data and functions. More...
* | toString (const FLIP_MODE &flip_mode) |
inline ::std::ostream & | operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const FLIP_MODE &flip_mode) |
sl::Resolution | getResolution (RESOLUTION resolution) |
| Gets the corresponding sl::Resolution from an sl::RESOLUTION. More...
* | toString (const SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE &svo_compression) |
bool | fromString (const sl::String &svo_compression_str, SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE &svo_compression) |
inline ::std::ostream & | operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE &svo_compression) |
AI_Model_status | checkAIModelStatus (AI_MODELS model, int gpu_id=0) |
| Checks if a corresponding optimized engine is found for the requested Model based on your rig configuration. More...
ERROR_CODE | downloadAIModel (sl::AI_MODELS model, int gpu_id=0) |
| Downloads the requested model. More...
ERROR_CODE | optimizeAIModel (sl::AI_MODELS model, int gpu_id=0) |
| Optimizes the requested model (and download the model if it is not present on the host). More...
* | toString (const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RESOLUTION &resolution) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RESOLUTION &resolution) |
String | toString (const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RANGE &range) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RANGE &range) |
String | toString (const SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE &map_type) |
bool | fromString (const sl::String &map_type_str, SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE &map_type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE &map_type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const String &str) |
bool | saveJSONFile (const sl::String filepath, const sl::String &serialized_content, bool merge=false) |
bool | loadJSONFile (const sl::String filepath, sl::String &serialized_content) |
String | toVerbose (const ERROR_CODE &errorCode) |
| Provide a concise sl::ERROR_CODE string. More...
ERROR_CODE SL_CORE_EXPORT | convertImage (sl::Mat &image_in, sl::Mat &image_signed, cudaStream_t stream=0) |
| Convert Image format from Unsigned char to Signed char, designed for Unreal Engine pipeline, works on GPU memory. More...
Rotation | computeRotationMatrixFromGravity (sl::float3 axis_to_align, sl::float3 gravity_vector) |
| Compute the rotation matrix from the gravity vector : the rotation can used to find the world rotation from the gravity of an IMU. More...
Matrix3f | getCoordinateTransformConversion3f (COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst) |
| Get the coordinate transform conversion matrix to change coordinate system. More...
Matrix4f | getCoordinateTransformConversion4f (COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst) |
| Get the coordinate transform conversion matrix to change coordinate system. More...
ERROR_CODE | convertCoordinateSystem (Mat &floatMat, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst, MEM mem=MEM::CPU) |
| Change the coordinate system of a matrix. More...
ERROR_CODE | convertCoordinateSystem (Transform &motionMat, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst) |
| Change the coordinate system of a transform matrix. More...
float | getUnitScale (UNIT unit_src, UNIT unit_dst) |
| Get the unit factor to change units. More...
ERROR_CODE | convertUnit (Mat &floatMat, UNIT unit_src, UNIT unit_dst, MEM mem=MEM::CPU) |
| Change the unit of a matrix. More...
ERROR_CODE | convertUnit (Transform &motionMat, UNIT unit_src, UNIT unit_dst) |
| Change the unit (of the translations) of a transform matrix. More...
OBJECT_CLASS | getObjectClass (OBJECT_SUBCLASS object_type) |
std::vector< OBJECT_SUBCLASS > | getObjectSubClasses (OBJECT_CLASS object_type) |
int | getObjectSubClassAsCOCO (const OBJECT_SUBCLASS object_type) |
String | generate_unique_id () |
| Generate a UUID like unique id to help identify and track AI detections. More...
int | getIdx (BODY_18_PARTS part) |
| Return associated index of each sl::BODY_18_PARTS. More...
int | getIdx (BODY_34_PARTS part) |
| Return associated index of each sl::BODY_34_PARTS. More...
int | getIdx (BODY_38_PARTS part) |
| Return associated index of each sl::BODY_38_PARTS. More...
* | toString (const MESH_FILE_FORMAT &mesh_frmt) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MESH_FILE_FORMAT &mesh_frmt) |
* | toString (const MESH_TEXTURE_FORMAT &text_frmt) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MESH_TEXTURE_FORMAT &text_frmt) |
* | toString (const MeshFilterParameters::MESH_FILTER &mesh_filter) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeshFilterParameters::MESH_FILTER &mesh_filter) |
* | toString (const PLANE_TYPE &type) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PLANE_TYPE &type) |
bool | operator== (const CameraIdentifier &a, const CameraIdentifier &b) |
bool | operator!= (const CameraIdentifier &a, const CameraIdentifier &b) |
FusionConfiguration | readFusionConfigurationFile (const std::string &json_config_filename, const int serial_number, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit) |
| Read a configuration JSON file to configure a fusion process. More...
std::vector< FusionConfiguration > | readFusionConfigurationFile (const std::string &json_config_filename, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit) |
| Read a Configuration JSON file to configure a fusion process. More...
std::vector< FusionConfiguration > | readFusionConfiguration (const std::string &fusion_configuration, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit) |
| Read a Configuration JSON string to configure a fusion process. More...
void | writeConfigurationFile (const std::string &json_config_filename, std::vector< FusionConfiguration > &configuration, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit) |
| Write a Configuration JSON file to configure a fusion process. More...
String | toString (const POSITION_TYPE &position_type) |
inline ::std::ostream & | operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const POSITION_TYPE &position_type) |