sl Namespace Reference


class  PositionalTrackingStatus
struct  RecordingStatus
 Structure containing information about the status of the recording. More...
class  InitParameters
 Class containing the options used to initialize the sl::Camera object. More...
struct  RuntimeParameters
 Structure containing parameters that defines the behavior of sl::Camera::grab(). More...
class  PositionalTrackingParameters
 Structure containing a set of parameters for the positional tracking module initialization. More...
class  SpatialMappingParameters
 Structure containing a set of parameters for the spatial mapping module. More...
struct  StreamingParameters
 Structure containing the options used to stream with the ZED SDK. More...
struct  RecordingParameters
 Structure containing the options used to record. More...
class  BatchParameters
 Structure containing a set of parameters for batch object detection. More...
class  ObjectDetectionParameters
 Structure containing a set of parameters for the object detection module. More...
class  ObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters
 Structure containing a set of runtime parameters for the object detection module. More...
class  CustomObjectDetectionProperties
 Structure containing a set of runtime properties of a certain class ID for the object detection module using a custom model. More...
class  CustomObjectDetectionRuntimeParameters
 Structure containing a set of runtime parameters for the object detection module using your own model ran by the SDK. More...
struct  BodyTrackingParameters
 Structure containing a set of parameters for the body tracking module. More...
struct  BodyTrackingRuntimeParameters
 Structure containing a set of runtime parameters for the body tracking module. More...
class  PlaneDetectionParameters
 Structure containing a set of parameters for the plane detection functionality. More...
struct  RegionOfInterestParameters
class  Camera
 This class serves as the primary interface between the camera and the various features provided by the SDK. More...
class  InitParametersOne
 Class containing the options used to initialize the sl::CameraOne object. More...
struct  CameraOneConfiguration
 Structure containing information about the camera sensor. More...
struct  CameraOneInformation
 Structure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, input type, etc.). More...
class  CameraOne
 This class serves as the primary interface between the camera and the various features provided by the SDK. More...
class  String
 Class defining a string. More...
struct  Resolution
 Structure containing the width and height of an image. More...
class  Rect
 Class defining a 2D rectangle with top-left corner coordinates and width/height in pixels. More...
struct  DeviceProperties
 Structure containing information about the properties of a camera. More...
struct  StreamingProperties
 Structure containing information about the properties of a streaming device. More...
class  Mat
 Class representing 1 to 4-channel matrix of float or uchar, stored on CPU and/or GPU side. More...
class  Rotation
 Class representing a rotation for the positional tracking module. More...
class  Translation
 Class representing a translation for the positional tracking module. More...
class  Orientation
 Class representing an orientation/quaternion for the positional tracking module. More...
class  Transform
 Class representing a transformation (translation and rotation) for the positional tracking module. More...
struct  CameraParameters
 Structure containing the intrinsic parameters of a camera. More...
struct  CalibrationParameters
 Structure containing intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the camera (translation and rotation). More...
struct  SensorParameters
 Structure containing information about a single sensor available in the current device. More...
struct  SensorsConfiguration
 Structure containing information about all the sensors available in the current device. More...
struct  CameraConfiguration
 Structure containing information about the camera sensor. More...
struct  CameraInformation
 Structure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, input type, etc.). More...
class  Pose
 Class containing positional tracking data giving the position and orientation of the camera in 3D space. More...
struct  SensorsData
 Structure containing all sensors data (except image sensors) to be used for positional tracking or environment study. More...
class  ObjectData
 Class containing data of a detected object such as its bounding_box, label, id and its 3D position. More...
class  CustomBoxObjectData
 Class that store externally detected objects. More...
class  CustomMaskObjectData
 Class that store externally detected objects with mask. More...
class  Objects
 Class containing the results of the object detection module. More...
class  BodyData
 Class containing data of a detected body/person such as its bounding_box, id and its 3D position. More...
class  Bodies
 Class containing the results of the body tracking module. More...
class  ObjectsBatch
 Class containing batched data of a detected objects from the object detection module. More...
class  BodiesBatch
 Class containing batched data of a detected bodies/persons from the body tracking module. More...
class  CommunicationParameters
 Holds the communication parameter to configure the connection between senders and receiver. More...
struct  SVOData
struct  HealthStatus
class  MeshFilterParameters
 Class containing a set of parameters for the mesh filtration functionality. More...
class  Chunk
 Class representing a sub-mesh containing local vertices and triangles. More...
class  Mesh
 Class representing a mesh and containing the geometric (and optionally texture) data of the scene captured by the spatial mapping module. More...
class  Plane
 Class representing a plane defined by a point and a normal, or a plane equation. More...
class  PointCloudChunk
 Class representing a sub-point cloud containing local vertices and colors. More...
class  FusedPointCloud
 Class representing a fused point cloud and containing the geometric and color data of the scene captured by the spatial mapping module. More...
class  CameraIdentifier
 Used to identify a specific camera in the Fusion API. More...
class  FusionConfiguration
 Useful struct to store the Fusion configuration, can be read from /write to a JSON file. More...
struct  SynchronizationParameter
 Configuration parameters for data synchronization. More...
class  InitFusionParameters
 Holds the options used to initialize the Fusion object. More...
class  BodyTrackingFusionParameters
 Holds the options used to initialize the body tracking module of the Fusion. More...
class  BodyTrackingFusionRuntimeParameters
 Holds the options used to change the behavior of the body tracking module at runtime. More...
class  ObjectDetectionFusionParameters
 Holds the options used to initialize the object detection module of the Fusion. More...
class  GNSSCalibrationParameters
 Holds the options used for calibrating GNSS / VIO. More...
class  PositionalTrackingFusionParameters
 Holds the options used for initializing the positional tracking fusion module. More...
class  SpatialMappingFusionParameters
 Sets the spatial mapping parameters. More...
class  CameraMetrics
 Holds the metrics of a sender in the fusion process. More...
class  FusionMetrics
 Holds the metrics of the fusion process. More...
class  ECEF
 Represents a world position in ECEF format. More...
class  LatLng
 Represents a world position in LatLng format. More...
class  UTM
 Represents a world position in UTM format. More...
class  GeoConverter
 Purely static class for Geo functions. More...
class  GeoPose
 Holds geographic reference position information. More...
class  GNSSData
 Class containing GNSS data to be used for positional tracking as prior. More...
class  FusedPositionalTrackingStatus
 Class containing the overall position fusion status. More...
class  Fusion
 Holds Fusion process data and functions. More...


enum class  SIDE
 Lists possible sides on which to get data from. More...
enum  FLIP_MODE : int
 Lists possible flip modes of the camera. More...
enum class  RESOLUTION
 Lists available resolutions. More...
enum class  VIDEO_SETTINGS
 Lists available camera settings for the camera (contrast, hue, saturation, gain, ...). More...
enum class  DEPTH_MODE
 Lists available depth computation modes. More...
enum class  MEASURE
 Lists retrievable measures. More...
enum class  VIEW
 Lists available views. More...
enum class  TIME_REFERENCE
 Lists possible time references for timestamps or data. More...
 Lists the different states of positional tracking. More...
 Report the status of current odom tracking. More...
 Report the status of current map tracking. More...
 Report the status of the positional tracking fusion. More...
 Lists the mode of positional tracking that can be used. More...
 Lists the different states of spatial memory area export. More...
 Lists the different states of spatial mapping. More...
 Lists the different states of region of interest auto detection. More...
 Lists available compression modes for SVO recording. More...
 Lists available serialization format. More...
enum class  UNIT
 Lists available units for measures. More...
 Lists available coordinates systems for positional tracking and 3D measures. More...
enum class  ERROR_CODE
 Lists error codes in the ZED SDK. More...
enum class  MODEL
 Lists ZED camera model. More...
enum class  INPUT_TYPE
 Lists available input types in the ZED SDK. More...
enum class  CAMERA_STATE
 Lists possible camera states. More...
 Lists the different encoding types for image streaming. More...
enum class  SENSOR_TYPE
 Lists available sensor types. More...
enum class  SENSORS_UNIT
 Lists available measurement units of onboard sensors. More...
enum class  BUS_TYPE
 Lists available LIVE input type in the ZED SDK. More...
enum class  CAMERA_TYPE
 Lists available camera types. More...
enum class  MEM
 Lists available memory type. More...
enum class  COPY_TYPE
 Lists available copy operation on sl::Mat. More...
enum class  MAT_TYPE
 Lists available sl::Mat formats. More...
enum class  MODULE
 Lists available modules. More...
enum class  OBJECT_CLASS
 Lists available object classes. More...
 List available object subclasses. More...
 Lists the different states of object tracking. More...
 Lists the different states of an object's actions. More...
 Lists supported bounding box preprocessing. More...
 Report the actual inference precision used. More...
enum class  BODY_FORMAT
 Lists supported skeleton body models. More...
 Lists supported models for skeleton keypoints selection. More...
 Lists possible types of position matrix used to store camera path and pose. More...
enum class  BODY_18_PARTS
 Semantic of human body parts and order of sl::BodyData::keypoint for sl::BODY_FORMAT::BODY_18. More...
enum class  BODY_34_PARTS
 Semantic of human body parts and order of sl::BodyData::keypoint for sl::BODY_FORMAT::BODY_34. More...
enum class  BODY_38_PARTS
 Semantic of human body parts and order of sl::BodyData::keypoint for sl::BODY_FORMAT::BODY_38. More...
enum class  MESH_FILE_FORMAT
 Lists available mesh file formats. More...
 Lists available mesh texture formats. More...
enum class  PLANE_TYPE
 Lists the available plane types detected based on the orientation. More...
 Lists the types of error that can be raised by the Fusion. More...
 Lists the types of error that can be raised during the Fusion by senders. More...
enum class  POSITION_TYPE
 Lists the types of possible position outputs. More...
enum class  GNSS_STATUS
 Class representing the status of the of GNSS signal. More...
enum class  GNSS_MODE
 Class representing the mode of GNSS signal. More...
 Class containing the current GNSS fusion status. More...


toString (const FLIP_MODE &flip_mode)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const FLIP_MODE &flip_mode)
sl::Resolution getResolution (RESOLUTION resolution)
 Gets the corresponding sl::Resolution from an sl::RESOLUTION. More...
toString (const SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE &svo_compression)
bool fromString (const sl::String &svo_compression_str, SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE &svo_compression)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE &svo_compression)
AI_Model_status checkAIModelStatus (AI_MODELS model, int gpu_id=0)
 Checks if a corresponding optimized engine is found for the requested Model based on your rig configuration. More...
ERROR_CODE downloadAIModel (sl::AI_MODELS model, int gpu_id=0)
 Downloads the requested model. More...
ERROR_CODE optimizeAIModel (sl::AI_MODELS model, int gpu_id=0)
 Optimizes the requested model (and download the model if it is not present on the host). More...
toString (const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RESOLUTION &resolution)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RESOLUTION &resolution)
String toString (const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RANGE &range)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RANGE &range)
String toString (const SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE &map_type)
bool fromString (const sl::String &map_type_str, SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE &map_type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE &map_type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const String &str)
bool saveJSONFile (const sl::String filepath, const sl::String &serialized_content, bool merge=false)
bool loadJSONFile (const sl::String filepath, sl::String &serialized_content)
String toVerbose (const ERROR_CODE &errorCode)
 Provide a concise sl::ERROR_CODE string. More...
ERROR_CODE SL_CORE_EXPORT convertImage (sl::Mat &image_in, sl::Mat &image_signed, cudaStream_t stream=0)
 Convert Image format from Unsigned char to Signed char, designed for Unreal Engine pipeline, works on GPU memory. More...
Rotation computeRotationMatrixFromGravity (sl::float3 axis_to_align, sl::float3 gravity_vector)
 Compute the rotation matrix from the gravity vector : the rotation can used to find the world rotation from the gravity of an IMU. More...
Matrix3f getCoordinateTransformConversion3f (COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst)
 Get the coordinate transform conversion matrix to change coordinate system. More...
Matrix4f getCoordinateTransformConversion4f (COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst)
 Get the coordinate transform conversion matrix to change coordinate system. More...
ERROR_CODE convertCoordinateSystem (Mat &floatMat, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst, MEM mem=MEM::CPU)
 Change the coordinate system of a matrix. More...
ERROR_CODE convertCoordinateSystem (Transform &motionMat, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_src, COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_system_dst)
 Change the coordinate system of a transform matrix. More...
float getUnitScale (UNIT unit_src, UNIT unit_dst)
 Get the unit factor to change units. More...
ERROR_CODE convertUnit (Mat &floatMat, UNIT unit_src, UNIT unit_dst, MEM mem=MEM::CPU)
 Change the unit of a matrix. More...
ERROR_CODE convertUnit (Transform &motionMat, UNIT unit_src, UNIT unit_dst)
 Change the unit (of the translations) of a transform matrix. More...
OBJECT_CLASS getObjectClass (OBJECT_SUBCLASS object_type)
std::vector< OBJECT_SUBCLASSgetObjectSubClasses (OBJECT_CLASS object_type)
int getObjectSubClassAsCOCO (const OBJECT_SUBCLASS object_type)
String generate_unique_id ()
 Generate a UUID like unique id to help identify and track AI detections. More...
int getIdx (BODY_18_PARTS part)
 Return associated index of each sl::BODY_18_PARTS. More...
int getIdx (BODY_34_PARTS part)
 Return associated index of each sl::BODY_34_PARTS. More...
int getIdx (BODY_38_PARTS part)
 Return associated index of each sl::BODY_38_PARTS. More...
toString (const MESH_FILE_FORMAT &mesh_frmt)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MESH_FILE_FORMAT &mesh_frmt)
toString (const MESH_TEXTURE_FORMAT &text_frmt)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MESH_TEXTURE_FORMAT &text_frmt)
toString (const MeshFilterParameters::MESH_FILTER &mesh_filter)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MeshFilterParameters::MESH_FILTER &mesh_filter)
toString (const PLANE_TYPE &type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const PLANE_TYPE &type)
bool operator== (const CameraIdentifier &a, const CameraIdentifier &b)
bool operator!= (const CameraIdentifier &a, const CameraIdentifier &b)
FusionConfiguration readFusionConfigurationFile (const std::string &json_config_filename, const int serial_number, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit)
 Read a configuration JSON file to configure a fusion process. More...
std::vector< FusionConfigurationreadFusionConfigurationFile (const std::string &json_config_filename, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit)
 Read a Configuration JSON file to configure a fusion process. More...
std::vector< FusionConfigurationreadFusionConfiguration (const std::string &fusion_configuration, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit)
 Read a Configuration JSON string to configure a fusion process. More...
void writeConfigurationFile (const std::string &json_config_filename, std::vector< FusionConfiguration > &configuration, const sl::COORDINATE_SYSTEM coord_sys, const sl::UNIT unit)
 Write a Configuration JSON file to configure a fusion process. More...
String toString (const POSITION_TYPE &position_type)
inline ::std::ostream & operator<< (::std::ostream &os, const POSITION_TYPE &position_type)


static const float INVALID_VALUE = NAN
static const unsigned char STATIC_DEPTH = 255
static const unsigned char DYNAMIC_DEPTH = 127
const std::vector< std::pair< BODY_18_PARTS, BODY_18_PARTS > > BODY_18_BONES
 Lists links of human body keypoints for sl::BODY_FORMAT::BODY_18.
Useful for display. More...
const std::vector< std::pair< BODY_34_PARTS, BODY_34_PARTS > > BODY_34_BONES
 Lists links of human body keypoints for sl::BODY_FORMAT::BODY_34.
Useful for display. More...
const std::vector< std::pair< BODY_38_PARTS, BODY_38_PARTS > > BODY_38_BONES
 Lists links of human body keypoints for sl::BODY_FORMAT::BODY_38.
Useful for display. More...
Unavailable Values
static const float TOO_FAR = INFINITY
static const float TOO_CLOSE = -INFINITY
static const float OCCLUSION_VALUE = NAN

Enumeration Type Documentation



Lists the available plane types detected based on the orientation.


Horizontal plane, such as a tabletop, floor, etc.


Vertical plane, such as a wall.


Unknown plane orientation.

Function Documentation

◆ toString() [1/10]

* sl::toString ( const FLIP_MODE flip_mode)

Referenced by operator<<().

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

inline ::std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( ::std::ostream &  os,
const FLIP_MODE flip_mode 

◆ toString() [2/10]

* sl::toString ( const SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE svo_compression)

◆ fromString() [1/2]

bool sl::fromString ( const sl::String svo_compression_str,
SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE svo_compression 

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

inline ::std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( ::std::ostream &  os,
const SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE svo_compression 

◆ toString() [3/10]

* sl::toString ( const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RESOLUTION resolution)

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RESOLUTION resolution 

◆ toString() [4/10]

String sl::toString ( const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RANGE range)

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SpatialMappingParameters::MAPPING_RANGE range 

◆ toString() [5/10]

String sl::toString ( const SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE map_type)

◆ fromString() [2/2]

bool sl::fromString ( const sl::String map_type_str,
SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE map_type 

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const SpatialMappingParameters::SPATIAL_MAP_TYPE map_type 

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const String str 

◆ saveJSONFile()

bool sl::saveJSONFile ( const sl::String  filepath,
const sl::String serialized_content,
bool  merge = false 

◆ loadJSONFile()

bool sl::loadJSONFile ( const sl::String  filepath,
sl::String serialized_content 

◆ convertImage()

ERROR_CODE SL_CORE_EXPORT sl::convertImage ( sl::Mat image_in,
sl::Mat image_signed,
cudaStream_t  stream = 0 

Convert Image format from Unsigned char to Signed char, designed for Unreal Engine pipeline, works on GPU memory.

image_in: input image to convert
image_signed: output image to converted
stream: a cuda stream to put the compute to (def. 0)
If the Output Mat does not satisfies the requirements, it is freed and re-allocated.

◆ computeRotationMatrixFromGravity()

Rotation sl::computeRotationMatrixFromGravity ( sl::float3  axis_to_align,
sl::float3  gravity_vector 

Compute the rotation matrix from the gravity vector : the rotation can used to find the world rotation from the gravity of an IMU.

axis_to_align: define the axis to align with the gravity, for instance : to align the "y" axis, axis_to_align = (0, 1, 0)'
gravity_vector: the gravity vector, acceleration set by an IMU
Rotation : rotation matrix, useful for Camera::detectFloorPlane as a gravity prior

◆ getCoordinateTransformConversion3f()

Matrix3f sl::getCoordinateTransformConversion3f ( COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_src,
COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_dst 

Get the coordinate transform conversion matrix to change coordinate system.

coord_system_src: the source coordinate system.
coord_system_dst: the destination coordinate system.
Matrix3f : transformation matrix, to apply to a float3 point simply multiply by this matrix (pt_coord_dst = tf_matrix * pt_coord_src).

◆ getCoordinateTransformConversion4f()

Matrix4f sl::getCoordinateTransformConversion4f ( COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_src,
COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_dst 

Get the coordinate transform conversion matrix to change coordinate system.

coord_system_src: the source coordinate system.
coord_system_dst: the destination coordinate system.
Matrix4f : transformation matrix, to apply to a float4 point simply multiply by this matrix (pt_coord_dst = tf_matrix * pt_coord_src).

◆ convertCoordinateSystem() [1/2]

ERROR_CODE sl::convertCoordinateSystem ( Mat floatMat,
COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_src,
COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_dst,
MEM  mem = MEM::CPU 

Change the coordinate system of a matrix.

floatMat: (in/out) matrix to transform, can be either a MAT_TYPE::F32_C4 (the fourth value will be ignored as it contained the color information) or a MAT_TYPE::F32_C3.
coord_system_src: the current coordinate system of floatMat.
coord_system_dst: the destination coordinate system for floatMat.
mem: define which memory should be transformed from floatMat.
SUCCESS if everything went well, ERROR_CODE::FAILURE otherwise.

◆ convertCoordinateSystem() [2/2]

ERROR_CODE sl::convertCoordinateSystem ( Transform motionMat,
COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_src,
COORDINATE_SYSTEM  coord_system_dst 

Change the coordinate system of a transform matrix.

motionMat: (in/out) matrix to transform
coord_system_src: the current coordinate system of motionMat.
coord_system_dst: the destination coordinate system for motionMat.
SUCCESS if everything went well, ERROR_CODE::FAILURE otherwise.

◆ getUnitScale()

float sl::getUnitScale ( UNIT  unit_src,
UNIT  unit_dst 

Get the unit factor to change units.

unit_src: the source coordinate system.
unit_dst: the destination coordinate system.
float : unit scale (pt_coord_dst = factor * pt_coord_src).

◆ convertUnit() [1/2]

ERROR_CODE sl::convertUnit ( Mat floatMat,
UNIT  unit_src,
UNIT  unit_dst,
MEM  mem = MEM::CPU 

Change the unit of a matrix.

floatMat: (in/out) matrix to transform, can be either a MAT_TYPE::F32_C4 (the fourth value will be ignored as it contained the color information), MAT_TYPE::F32_C3 or a MAT_TYPE::F32_C1.
unit_src: the current unit of floatMat.
unit_dst: the destination unit for floatMat.
mem: define which memory should be transformed from floatMat.
SUCCESS if everything went well, ERROR_CODE::FAILURE otherwise.

◆ convertUnit() [2/2]

ERROR_CODE sl::convertUnit ( Transform motionMat,
UNIT  unit_src,
UNIT  unit_dst 

Change the unit (of the translations) of a transform matrix.

motionMat: (in/out) matrix to transform
unit_src: the current unit of motionMat.
unit_dst: the destination unit for motionMat.
SUCCESS if everything went well, ERROR_CODE::FAILURE otherwise.

◆ getObjectClass()

OBJECT_CLASS sl::getObjectClass ( OBJECT_SUBCLASS  object_type)

◆ getObjectSubClasses()

std::vector<OBJECT_SUBCLASS> sl::getObjectSubClasses ( OBJECT_CLASS  object_type)

◆ getObjectSubClassAsCOCO()

int sl::getObjectSubClassAsCOCO ( const OBJECT_SUBCLASS  object_type)

◆ toString() [6/10]

* sl::toString ( const MESH_FILE_FORMAT mesh_frmt)

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MESH_FILE_FORMAT mesh_frmt 

◆ toString() [7/10]

* sl::toString ( const MESH_TEXTURE_FORMAT text_frmt)

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MESH_TEXTURE_FORMAT text_frmt 

◆ toString() [8/10]

* sl::toString ( const MeshFilterParameters::MESH_FILTER mesh_filter)

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MeshFilterParameters::MESH_FILTER mesh_filter 

◆ toString() [9/10]

* sl::toString ( const PLANE_TYPE type)

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const PLANE_TYPE type 

◆ operator==()

bool sl::operator== ( const CameraIdentifier a,
const CameraIdentifier b 

◆ operator!=()

bool sl::operator!= ( const CameraIdentifier a,
const CameraIdentifier b 

◆ toString() [10/10]

String sl::toString ( const POSITION_TYPE position_type)

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

inline ::std::ostream& sl::operator<< ( ::std::ostream &  os,
const POSITION_TYPE position_type 

Variable Documentation


const float TOO_FAR = INFINITY

Defines an unavailable depth value that is above the depth Max value.


const float TOO_CLOSE = -INFINITY

Defines an unavailable depth value that is below the depth Min value.



Defines an unavailable depth value that is on an occluded image area.


const float INVALID_VALUE = NAN


const unsigned char STATIC_DEPTH = 255


const unsigned char DYNAMIC_DEPTH = 127