Core Module


class  Timestamp
 Structure representing timestamps with utilities. More...
 Lists error codes in the ZED SDK. More...
class  Matrix3f
 Class representing a generic 3*3 matrix. More...
class  Matrix4f
 Class representing a generic 4*4 matrix. More...
 Lists available resolutions. More...
class  UNIT
 Lists available units for measures. More...
 Lists available coordinates systems for positional tracking and 3D measures. More...
class  MEASURE
 Lists retrievable measures. More...
class  MEM
 Lists available memory type. More...
class  COPY_TYPE
 Lists available copy operation on sl.Mat. More...
class  MAT_TYPE
 Lists available sl.Mat formats. More...
class  Resolution
 Structure containing the width and height of an image. More...
class  Rect
 Class defining a 2D rectangle with top-left corner coordinates and width/height in pixels. More...
class  CameraConfiguration
 Structure containing information about the camera sensor. More...
class  CameraInformation
 Structure containing information of a single camera (serial number, model, calibration, etc.)That information about the camera will be returned by Camera.get_camera_information() More...
class  Mat
 Class representing 1 to 4-channel matrix of float or uchar, stored on CPU and/or GPU side. More...
class  SVOData
 Class containing SVO data to be ingested/retrieved to/from SVO. More...


None sleep_ms (int time)
 Blocks the execution of the current thread for time milliseconds. More...
None sleep_us (int time)
 Blocks the execution of the current thread for time microseconds. More...

Function Documentation

◆ sleep_ms()

None ( int  time)

Blocks the execution of the current thread for time milliseconds.

time: Number of milliseconds to wait.

◆ sleep_us()

None ( int  time)

Blocks the execution of the current thread for time microseconds.

time: Number of microseconds to wait.