CameraConfiguration Class Reference

Structure containing information about the camera sensor. More...


def camera_resolution (self)
 Resolution of the camera
def camera_fps (self)
 FPS of the camera
def camera_model (self)
 The model of the camera (ZED, ZED2 or ZED-M).
def calibration_parameters (self)
 Intrinsic and Extrinsic stereo CalibrationParameters for rectified/undistorded images (default).
def calibration_parameters_raw (self)
 Intrinsic and Extrinsic stereo CalibrationParameters for original images (unrectified/distorded).
def serial_number (self)
 The serial number of the camera.
def firmware_version (self)
 The internal firmware version of the camera.

Detailed Description

Structure containing information about the camera sensor.

That information about the camera is available in the CameraInformation struct returned by Camera::getCameraInformation()

This object is meant to be used as a read-only container, editing any of its fields won't impact the SDK.
The returned py_calib and py_calib_raw values might vary between two execution due to the self-calibration being ran in the open() method.