Lists the types of error that can be raised by the Fusion. More...

Detailed Description

Lists the types of error that can be raised by the Fusion.

GNSS_DATA_NEED_FIX GNSS Data need fix status in order to run fusion.
GNSS_DATA_COVARIANCE_MUST_VARY Ingested covariance data must vary between ingest.
BODY_FORMAT_MISMATCH The senders are using different body formats.
Consider changing them.
NOT_ENABLED The following module was not enabled.
SOURCE_MISMATCH Some sources are provided by SVO and others by LIVE stream.
CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT Connection timed out. Unable to reach the sender.
Verify the sender's IP/port.
SHARED_MEMORY_LEAK Intra-process shared memory allocation issue.
Multiple connections to the same data.
INVALID_IP_ADDRESS The provided IP address format is incorrect.
Please provide the IP in the format 'a.b.c.d', where (a, b, c, d) are numbers between 0 and 255.
CONNECTION_ERROR Something goes bad in the connection between sender and receiver.
FAILURE Standard code for unsuccessful behavior.
SUCCESS Standard code for successful behavior.
FUSION_INCONSISTENT_FPS Significant differences observed between sender's FPS.
FUSION_FPS_TOO_LOW At least one sender has an FPS lower than 10 FPS.
INVALID_TIMESTAMP Problem detected with the ingested timestamp.
Sample data will be ignored.
INVALID_COVARIANCE Problem detected with the ingested covariance.
Sample data will be ignored.
NO_NEW_DATA_AVAILABLE All data from all sources has been consumed.
No new data is available for processing.