Using the Video API

The ZED API provides low-level access to the camera hardware and video features, facilitating camera control and high-quality video recording and streaming.

Camera Configuration

To configure the camera, create a Camera object and specify your InitParameters. Initial parameters let you adjust camera resolution, FPS, depth sensing parameters and more. These parameters can only be set before opening the camera and cannot be changed while the camera is in use. Note that InitParameters contains a default configuration.

// Create a ZED camera object
Camera zed;

// Set configuration parameters
InitParameters init_params;
init_params.camera_resolution = RESOLUTION_HD1080;
init_params.camera_fps = 30;

// Open the camera
err =;
if (err != SUCCESS)
# Create a ZED camera object
zed = sl.Camera()

# Set configuration parameters
init_params = sl.InitParameters()
init_params.camera_resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.RESOLUTION_HD1080
init_params.camera_fps = 30

# Open the camera
err =
if err != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
// Create a ZED camera object
sl.Camera zed = new sl.Camera(0);

// Set configuration parameters
sl.InitParameters init_parameters = new sl.InitParameters();
init_parameters.resolution = sl.RESOLUTION.HD1080;
init_parameters.cameraFPS = 30;

// Open the camera
sl.ERROR_CODE err = zed.Open(ref init_params);
if (err != sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS)

Camera settings such as exposure, white balance and others can be manually set at runtime using setCameraSettings().

// Set exposure in manual mode at 50% of camera framerate
zed.setCameraSettings(CAMERA_SETTINGS_EXPOSURE, 50, false);
// Set white balance to 4600K
zed.setCameraSettings(CAMERA_SETTINGS_WHITE_BALANCE, 4600, false);
// Reset to auto exposure
zed.setCameraSettings(CAMERA_SETTINGS_EXPOSURE, -1, true);
# Set exposure to 50% of camera framerate
zed.set_camera_settings(sl.CAMERA_SETTINGS.CAMERA_SETTINGS_EXPOSURE, 50, False)
# Set white balance to 4600K
zed.set_camera_settings(sl.CAMERA_SETTINGS.CAMERA_SETTINGS_WHITE_BALANCE, 4600, False)
# Reset to auto exposure
zed.set_camera_settings(sl.CAMERA_SETTINGS.CAMERA_SETTINGS_EXPOSURE, -1, True)
// Set exposure in manual mode at 50% of camera framerate
zed.SetCameraSettings(sl.VIDEO_SETTINGS.EXPOSURE, 50);
// Set white balance to 4600K
zed.SetCameraSettings(sl.VIDEO_SETTINGS.WHITEBALANCE, 4600);
//Reset to auto exposure
zed.SetCameraSettings(sl.VIDEO_SETTINGS.EXPOSURE, -1);

To see the list of available video modes and settings, read Camera Controls.

Image Capture

To capture images from the ZED, specify your RuntimeParameters and call grab() to grab a new frame and retrieveImage() to retrieve the grabbed frame. retrieveImage() lets you select between different views such as left, right, unrectified and grayscale images.

sl::Mat image;
if (zed.grab() == SUCCESS) {
    // A new image is available if grab() returns SUCCESS
    zed.retrieveImage(image,VIEW_LEFT); // Retrieve the left image
image = sl.Mat()
runtime_parameters = sl.RuntimeParameters()
if zed.grab(runtime_parameters) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
    # A new image is available if grab() returns SUCCESS
    zed.retrieve_image(image, sl.VIEW.VIEW_LEFT) # Retrieve the left image
sl.Mat image = new sl.Mat();
uint mWidth = (uint)zed.ImageWidth;
uint mHeight = (uint)zed.ImageHeight;
image.Create(mWidth, mHeight, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU); // Mat needs to be created before use.

RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new RuntimeParameters();
if (zed.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) {
    // A new image is available if grab() returns SUCCESS
    zed.RetrieveImage(image,sl.VIEW.LEFT); // Retrieve the left image

Video Recording

The ZED SDK uses Stereolabs SVO format to store videos along with additional metadata such as timestamp and sensor data.

To record SVO files, you need to enable the Recording module with enableRecording(). Specify an output file name (eg: output.svo) and SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE, then save each grabbed frame using record(). SVO lets you record video and associated metadata (timestamp, IMU data and more if available).

// Create a ZED camera object
Camera zed;

// Enable recording with the filename specified in argument
String output_path(argv[1]);
err = zed.enableRecording(output_path, SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE::H264);

while (!exit_app) {
    if (zed.grab() == SUCCESS) {
        // Each new frame is added to the SVO file
// Disable recording
# Create a ZED camera object
zed = sl.Camera()

# Enable recording with the filename specified in argument
output_path = sys.argv[0]
err = zed.enable_recording(output_path, sl.SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE.H264)

while not exit_app:
    if zed.grab() == SUCCESS:
        # Each new frame is added to the SVO file

# Disable recording
// Create a ZED camera object
sl.Camera zed = new sl.Camera(0);
sl.RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new sl.RuntimeParameters();
// Enable recording with the filename specified in argument
string output_path = args[0];
err = zed.EnableRecording(output_path, sl.SVO_COMPRESSION_MODE.H264_BASED);

while (!exit_app) {
    // Each new frame is added to the SVO file
    zed.Grab(ref runtimeParameters);
// Disable recording

Video Playback

To play SVO files, simply add the file path as argument in setFromSVOFile(). When loading SVO files, the ZED API will behave as if a ZED was connected and live feed was available. Every module of the ZED API will be available: depth, tracking, spatial mapping and more. When an SVO file is read entirely, END_OF_SVOFILE_REACHED error code is returned.

// Create a ZED camera object
Camera zed;

// Set SVO path for playback
String input_path(argv[1]);
InitParameters init_parameters;

// Open the ZED
err =;

sl::Mat svo_image;
while (!exit_app) {
    if (zed.grab(ref runtimeParameters) == SUCCESS) {
        // Read side by side frames stored in the SVO
        zed.retrieveImage(svo_image, VIEW::SIDE_BY_SIDE);
        // Get frame count      
        int svo_position = zed.getSVOPosition();
    else if (zed.grab() == END_OF_SVOFILE_REACHED) {
        std::cout << "SVO end has been reached. Looping back to first frame" << std::endl;
# Create a ZED camera object
zed = sl.Camera()

# Set SVO path for playback
input_path = sys.argv[1]
init_parameters = sl.InitParameters()

# Open the ZED
zed = sl.Camera()
err =

svo_image = sl.Mat()
while not exit_app:
    if zed.grab() == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS:
        # Read side by side frames stored in the SVO
        zed.retrieve_image(svo_image, sl.VIEW.SIDE_BY_SIDE)
        # Get frame count
        svo_position = zed.get_svo_position();
    elif zed.grab() == sl.ERROR_CODE.END_OF_SVOFILE_REACHED:
        print("SVO end has been reached. Looping back to first frame")
// Create a ZED camera object
sl.Camera zed = new sl.Camera(0);

sl.RuntimeParameters runtimeParameters = new sl.RuntimeParameters();

// Set SVO path for playback
string input_path = argv[0];
sl.InitParameters init_parameters = new sl.InitParameters();
init_parameters.inputType = sl.INPUT_TYPE.SVO;
init_parameters.pathSVO = input_path;

// Open the ZED
err = zed.Open(ref init_parameters);

sl.Mat svo_image = new sl.Mat();
uint mWidth = (uint)zed.ImageWidth;
uint mHeight = (uint)zed.ImageHeight;
svoImage.Create(mWidth * 2, mHeight, MAT_TYPE.MAT_8U_C4, MEM.CPU); // Mat needs to be created before use.
while (!exit_app) {
    if (zed.Grab(ref runtimeParameters) == sl.ERROR_CODE.SUCCESS) {
        // Read side by side frames stored in the SVO
        zed.RetrieveImage(svoImage, sl.VIEW.SIDE_BY_SIDE, sl.MEM.CPU);
        // Get frame count      
        int svo_position = zed.GetSVOPosition();
    if (zed.GetSVOPosition() >= zed.GetSVONumberOfFrames() - 1) {
        Console.WriteLine("SVO end has been reached. Looping back to first frame");

Local Streaming

To learn how to stream stereo video on the local network using the ZED SDK, read Local Streaming section.

Code Examples

Get started with stereo video capture, recording and streaming using the following code samples on GitHub: