Coordinate Systems

Global coordinates can be represented in various formats. The following sections introduce each of the formats supported by the SDK.

Latitude / Longitude #

Latitude/Longitude is a geographic coordinate system used to specify locations on the Earth’s surface. The latitude represents the north-south angular position relative to the equator whereas longitude represents the east-west angular position relative to Greenwich. This format is widely used due to it simplicity and familiarity. This is default coordinate format used for GeoPose. This coordinate format is represented as the LatLng object inside the SDK.

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ECEF (Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed) is a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system used to represent positions on the Earth’s surface relative to its center. In the ECEF system, the origin is located at the Earth’s center of mass, and the axes are aligned with the Earth’s rotation. This global coordinate system allows for precise and accurate positioning calculations, making it particularly useful in applications such as satellite navigation, geodesy, and aerospace engineering. This coordinate format is represented as the ECEF object inside the SDK.

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UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) is a coordinate system that provides a two-dimensional representation of positions on the Earth’s surface. Unlike the spherical lat/lng system, UTM divides the Earth into 60 zones, each spanning 6 degrees of longitude. The UTM system utilizes a metric grid, which presents coordinates as eastings and northings relative to a specific zone’s central meridian and equator. This system offers accurate and localized positioning information, making it popular in applications such as topographic mapping, surveying, and military operations. This coordinate format is represented by the UTM object inside SDK.

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Convert coordinate system with Geo-Converter #

The ZED SDK provides several ways to convert coordinates from one format to another using the functions available here.