

Access Token

Access tokens are the secret passwords that gives access to your resources through the APIs. You can create an API token from the Cloud as described in the introduction.
Make sure to keep your tokens secret and to not publish them publicly to prevent any security breach.

API in use

The Cloud API centralizes all your teams, workspaces, devices, applications, logs and telemetries.

List workspaces

List all the workspaces of the authenticated user.
  • workspaces array
    List of the user's workspaces and their details.
  • integer
    Unique ID of the workspace.
  • string
    Workspace's name.
  • workspace.description string
    Verbose description of the workspace purpose.
  • workspace.created_at timestamp
    Datetime of the workspace creation (epoch, milliseconds).
  • workspace.timezone string
    The name of the timezone selected.
  • workspace.role string
    Role of the authenticated user in the workspace.
  • workspace.user_data object
    Custom JSON object to store additional information about the workspace.
  • workspace.region string
    Name of the region the workspace is hosted in.
  • workspace.region_url string
    URL of the workspace region. To be used by most of the REST API calls within the workspace.
  • /workspaces
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "workspaces": [
         "id": "12345",
          "name": "My First workspace",
          "description": "First project with the Camera Cloud.",
          "created_at": "1580204174271",
          "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
          "role": "owner",
          "user_data": {},
          "region": "Europe",
          "region_url": ""

    Get workspace information

    Get the information of a specific workspace identified by its workspaceId.
  • :workspaceId integer
    ID of the targeted workspace.
  • id integer
    Unique ID of the workspace.
  • name string
    Workspace's name.
  • description string
    Verbose description of the workspace purpose.
  • created_at timestamp
    Datetime of the workspace creation (epoch, milliseconds).
  • timezone string
    Workspace timezone used to display datetime information.
  • role string
    Role of the authenticated user in the workspace.
  • user_data object
    Custom JSON object to store additional information about the workspace.
  • region string
    Name of the region the workspace is hosted in.
  • region_url string
    URL of the workspace region. To be used by most of the REST API calls within the workspace.
  • /workspaces/:workspaceId
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "12345",
      "name": "My First workspace",
      "description": "First project with the Camera Cloud.",
      "created_at": "1580204174271",
      "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
      "role": "owner",
      "user_data": {},
      "region": "Europe",
      "region_url": ""

    Update workspace

    Update the workspace identified by workspaceId.
  • name string
    optional New name of the workspace.
  • description string
    optional New verbose description of the workspace.
  • timezone string
    optional New timezone for the workspace.
  • user_data object
    optional Custom JSON object attached to the workspace to store additional information about your project.
  • id integer
    Unique ID of the workspace.
  • name string
    Workspace's name.
  • description string
    Verbose description of the workspace purpose.
  • created_at timestamp
    Datetime of the workspace creation (epoch, milliseconds).
  • timezone string
    Workspace timezone used to display datetime information.
  • user_data object
    Custom JSON object to store additional information about the workspace.
  • /workspaces
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
      -X PUT \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "12345",
      "name": "My First workspace",
      "description": "First project with the Camera Cloud.",
      "created_at": "1580204174271",
      "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
      "user_data": {},

    Delete workspace

    Delete the workspace identified by workspaceId.
  • :workspaceId integer
    ID of the targeted workspace.
  • /workspaces/:workspaceId
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
      -X DELETE \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    Create workspace

    Create a new workspace owned by the authenticated user.
  • name string
    Name of the new workspace.
  • team_id integer
    ID of the team the workspace will be created in. Every user of the specified team will have access to it.
  • description string
    Verbose description of the workspace purpose.
  • user_data object
    optional Custom JSON object to store additional information about the workspace.
  • timezone string
    optional The name of the timezone selected.
  • id integer
    Unique ID of the workspace.
  • name string
    Workspace's name.
  • description string
    Verbose description of the workspace purpose.
  • created_at timestamp
    Datetime of the workspace creation (epoch, milliseconds).
  • timezone string
    Workspace timezone used to display datetime information.
  • role string
    Role of the authenticated user in the workspace.
  • user_data object
    Custom JSON object to store additional information about the workspace.
  • /workspaces
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
      -X POST \
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "12345",
      "name": "My First workspace",
      "description": "First project with the Camera Cloud.",
      "created_at": "1580204174271",
      "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
      "role": "owner",
      "user_data": {},