

Access Token

Access tokens are the secret passwords that gives access to your resources through the APIs. You can create an API token from the Cloud as described in the introduction.
Make sure to keep your tokens secret and to not publish them publicly to prevent any security breach.

API in use

The Cloud API centralizes all your teams, workspaces, devices, applications, logs and telemetries. hub.stereolabs.com/api/v1

List and query logs

List logs stored in the specified workspace identified by workspaceId. Multiple parameters are available to customize the output of this endpoint.
  • :workspaceId integer
    Id of the target workspace.
  • fields string_list
    optional Log's fields that should be returned by the request. This can be used to reduce amount of data retrieved by only selecting the needed fields. ?fields=timestamp,label,payload
    • Available fields: id, device_id, timestamp, payload, retention, level, label, application_name, deployment_id, reference, reference_list, processed
    • Payload fields: A field can also be taken from the payload with the following notation ?fields=payload.temperature,payload.humidity
  • ids integer_list
    optional Filter the logs from their Id. ?ids=125,356,542
  • devices integer_list
    optional Filter logs based on the devices that emitted them. ?devices=1,5
  • labels string_list
    optional Filter logs based on their label. ?labels=detections,environment
  • start
    optional Only target the logs published within the specified the time-range. ?start=1567413071229&end=1567419371229
    start and end can be used independently. Timestamps can be provided in the following formats:
    • start=1567419371229 A milliseconds UTC EPOCH UNIX timestamp.
    • start=2019-09-02T11:21:11,229+02:00 An ISO8601 datetime string. (must be url-encoded)
  • levels string_list
    optional Filter logs based on their level. ?labels=INFO,WARNING,ERROR
  • application_names string_list
    optional Only targets logs produced by applications matching the listed names (url-encoded). ?application_names=webserver,people counter
  • deployment_ids integer_list
    optional Only targets logs produced by applications instances matching the listed deployment ids. ?deployment_ids=434445,684650
  • processed boolean
    optional Only targets logs that have been marked as read true or not false. ?processed=false
  • sort
    optional Sort the returned logs by the specified key. ?sort=timestamp&sort_direction=DESC
    The order can be specified with the sort_direction parameter that can be DESC or ASC whether you are using descending or ascending sorting. If more than one key is given, the next fields will be used when sorting with the previous key reported an equality. ?sort=label,payload.humidity&sort_direction=ASC,DESC
  • filter_op
    optional Filter out logs that doesn't match the specified condition. ?filter_field=payload.temperature&filter_op=gt&filter_value=30
    Only return log with a reported temperature over 30° (where temperature is a custom field in the payload)
    Available filter operations are:
    • gt: is greater than
    • gte: is greater than or equal
    • lt: is lower than
    • lte: is lower than of equal
    • eq: is equal
    • neq: is different
    • contains: is containing the value (string)

    To avoid type ambiguity when filtering on a payload key, use the filter_value_type parameter and set it to number or string.
    To use more than one filter, append from _1 to _10 at the end of each filter_* parameter. ?filter_field_2=payload.humidity&filter_op_2=eq&filter_value_2=95

  • agg
    optional This parameter will change the output format by returning aggregates of logs in time-intervals rather than a log list.
    Returns the average temperature in a time-range (where payload.temperature is a custom field).
    Available aggregations are:
    • count: Count the number of logs matching the provided parameters
    • sum: Sum of the values found in the queried logs for the agg_field
    • avg: Average of the values found in the queried logs for the agg_field
    • min: Minimum value found in the queried logs for the agg_field
    • max: Maximum value found in the queried logs for the agg_field

    If an agg_step is provided, result will be split in multiple time ranges, starting from start and incrementing by agg_step up to the end.
    An additional agg_identifier can be used to split result in groups based on key's value.
    Count the number of logs reported by each device in 10 minutes intervals.

  • per_page
    optional Controls the pagination of the returned log list. ?per_page=25
    By default, the logs's timestamp is used to sort the returned page, providing the latest logs first.
    • Keyset pagination By using page to select the sorting key, and after to specify the position of the page, pagination will return per_page logs starting right after after value. ?per_page=25&page=timestamp&after=1567413071229
    • Offset pagination By using page as a number, pagination will return per_page logs starting from the most recent one. ?per_page=25&page=1
  • limit
    optional Skip some logs (offset) and limits the number of logs returned by the request. ?offset=50&limit=25
  • logs array
    List of logs matching the specified parameters.
  • /workspaces/:workspaceId/logs
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
     https://hub.stereolabs.com/api/v1/workspaces/:workspaceId/logs \
      -G  \
      -d 'labels=storage' \
      -d 'fields=id,device_id,level,timestamp,payload.message' \
      -d 'start=1580201472695' \
      -d 'filter_field=payload.space_left_percent' \
      -d 'filter_op=lt' \
      -d 'filter_value=5' \
      -d 'filter_value_type=number'
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "logs": [
          "id": "343536",
          "device_id": "67890",
          "level": "WARNING",
          "timestamp": "1580205472695",
          "payload": {
             "message": "Storage space is running low"

    Publish log

    Publish a new log from the specified device.
  • :workspaceId integer
    Id of the target workspace.
  • :deviceNameOrId integer
    Id or url-encoded name of the associated device.
  • label string
    A string representing the type of log sent. This field is later used during data consultation to filter relevant logs.
  • level string
    The reported log level in the following list: INFO, WARNING, ERROR.
  • payload object
    The actual log data in a json format. If the payload contains a "message":"" field, this message will be displayed in the interface on the log page.
  • timestamp timestamp
    optional The time at which the log has been generated. Default value is the timestamp at which the request is sent.
    Timestamp can be provided in the following formats:
    • start=1567419371229 A milliseconds UTC EPOCH UNIX timestamp
    • start=2019-09-02T11:21:11,229+02:00 An ISO8601 datetime string (must be url-encoded)
  • retention number
    optional The retention time of this log in days. If not set, the default value of 1 month (30 days) will be used.
  • application_name string
    optional The name of the application sending the log message. This can be used to identify the application at the origin of the log.
  • deployment_id integer
    optional The deployment id of the application instance sending the log message. This can be used to identify a specific installation and version of an application.
  • reference
    optional Can be used to associate logs to a parent one. reference and reference_to CANNOT be used at the same time.
    • reference: a unique string used as a root reference for yet-to-publish logs
    • reference_to: the reference string used in a previously-published log

    Child-logs with a message in their payload will be displayed as a console output in the parent log on the web interface.

  • id integer
    ID of the created log.
  • /workspaces/:workspaceId/devices/:deviceNameOrId/logs
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
      -X POST \
     https://hub.stereolabs.com/api/v1/workspaces/:workspaceId/devices/:deviceNameOrId/logs \
      -d '{ 
      "timestamp": 1567416071229, 
      "label": "storage", 
      "level": "WARNING", 
      "payload": { 
        "message":"Storage space is running low",
        "space_left_percent": 4.25
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      "id": "313233"

    Delete logs

    Delete logs matching the parameters.
  • :workspaceId integer
    Id of the target workspace.
  • ids integer_list
    optional Filter the logs from their Id. ?ids=125,356,542
  • devices integer_list
    optional Filter logs based on the devices that emitted them. ?devices=1,5
  • labels string_list
    optional Filter logs based on their label. ?labels=detections,environment
  • levels string_list
    optional Filter logs based on their level. ?levels=INFO,WARNING,ERROR
  • application_names string_list
    optional Only targets logs produced by applications matching the listed names (url-encoded). ?application_names=webserver,people counter
  • deployment_ids integer_list
    optional Only targets logs produced by applications instances matching the listed deployment ids. ?deployment_ids=434445,684650
  • processed boolean
    optional Only targets read logs true or unread ones false. ?processed=true
  • start
    optional Only target the logs published within the specified the time-range. ?start=1567413071229&end=1567419371229
    start and end can be used independently. Timestamps can be provided in the following formats:
    • start=1567419371229 A milliseconds UTC EPOCH UNIX timestamp.
    • start=2019-09-02T11:21:11,229+02:00 An ISO8601 datetime string. (must be url-encoded)
  • /workspaces/:workspaceId/logs
    curl -s \
      -H "Content-Type:application/json" \
      -H "Authorization:Bearer ${access_token}" \
      -X DELETE \
     https://hub.stereolabs.com/api/v1/workspaces/:workspaceId/logs \
      -G  \
      -d 'labels=environment' \
      -d 'levels=ERROR' \
      -d 'start=1580201472695' \
      -d 'end=1580312563849'
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK