Setup a Device

ZED Hub devices can either be desktop (x86) devices running on Ubuntu or an NVIDIA Jetson.

If you have an NVIDIA Jetson, please follow NVIDIA’s installation instructions, available here, to install the correct Jetpack release.

ZED Hub also supports the Stereolabs ZED Box that contains an NVIDIA Jetson where everything is already flashed and ready out of the box.

Add a device

You’re ready to add a new device to your workspace! To do so, make sure you’re on the Devices page, and click on Add Device.

Note : Currently-supported devices are the Jetson Nano, TX2, Xavier and Orin boards from NVIDIA and Ubuntu 18 / Ubuntu 20 / Ubuntu 22 x86_64 desktop computers.

Please enter a name for your device, that is used to identify its specific role or its given location, and your device’s platform.

Setup the device

At this step, ZED Hub is ready to connect your device through the installation of Edge Agent.

Edge Agent is the client program that manages your device and handles secure communications between your device and the cloud. ZED Hub will generate and provision a device certificate which will allow secure authentication and communications.

  • Make sure that your device has internet access.

  • Open a terminal on your device.

    You can access a terminal remotely using SSH with a terminal (or with a PowerShell or CMD in Windows) with:

     ssh remote_username@remote_host

    Make sure you have an SSH client installed on your remote device and your current computer.

  • Copy-paste the command provided by ZED Hub in your device’s terminal to start the provisioning process.

Let’s go through Edge Agent’s provisioning process in detail:

  • The device downloads the Edge Agent Installer and the device certificate.
  • Edge Agent Installer will ask you to install Edge Agent’s dependencies, answer yes. Failing to do so may result in undefined behavior and crashes from your applications.
  • The installer will install Edge Agent’s services and run them.
  • The installer will install the C++ SDK that allows you to build your own applications. The installer will ask if you would like to install the optional Python SDK.
  • The installer will ask if you would like to deploy Camera Manager, which is ZED Hub’s sample application to get started with ZED Hub’s basic features. Answer yes to deploy.

On the Devices page, your device should appear connected, congrats!

Edge agent can be removed from a device using sudo /usr/local/sl_iot/

You can stop, restart or get the status of Edge Agent services running in the background using the command edge_cli in a terminal.

The ZED Hub SDK libraries is installed at /usr/local/sl_iot during Edge Agent installation.