API reference


HubClient is a class containing the main functions you will use in applications to communicate between your device and the cloud. HubClient is a singleton meaning that you don’t have to create an HubClient object, there is a unique instance of the class that will be used by the static functions.


CallbackParameters class CallbackParameters Creates a callback "package" (function name, parameters, ...) that can be registered using HubClient::registerFunction.
// Setup a callback function in case of a device parameter change
CallbackParameters callback_param;
// Use "|" if you want your callback to be set on several parameters
callback_param.setParameterCallback("onParamChange", "camera_resolution|camera_fps|camera_image_flip", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE);
// Register your function
HubClient::registerFunction(onInitParamUpdate, callback_param);
CallbackParameters static function setConfigurationCallback ( std::string function_name , std::string setting_key , callback_type callback_type , std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription> parameters ) Generates configuration callback parameters (for device twin update).
  • function_name std::string
    The name of the function callback.
  • setting_key std::string
    The device twin key that will activates the callback on update.
  • callback_type callback_type
    optional allowed callback_type for this function is CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE
  • parameters std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription>
    optional Vector of function parameters.
  • Usage
    // Setup a callback function in case of a device twin configuration change
    CallbackParameters callback_param;
    callback_param.setConfigurationCallback("onHostSoftwareUpdate", "host.software", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE);
    // Register your function
    HubClient::registerFunction(onHostSoftwareUpdate, callback_param);
    CallbackParameters static function setRemoteCallback ( std::string function_name , callback_type callback_type , std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription> parameters ) Generates remote function callback parameters (for remote function calls).
  • function_name std::string
    The name of the function callback.
  • callback_type callback_type
    optional allowed callback_type for this function is CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_REMOTE_CALL
  • parameters std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription>
    optional Vector of function parameters.
  • Usage
    // Set a remote callback for the function "functionCall"
    CallbackParameters callback_param;
    HubClient::setRemoteCallback("functionCall", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_REMOTE_CALL);
    // Register your function
    HubClient::registerFunction(onFunctionCall, callback_param);
    CallbackParameters static function setParameterCallback ( std::string function_name , callback_type callback_type , parameter_type parameter_type , std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription> parameters ) Generates parameter callback parameters (for device or application requested parameters update).
  • function_name std::string
    The name of the function callback.
  • callback_type callback_type
    optional allowed callback_type for this function is CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE
  • parameter_type parameter_type
    optional The requested parameter type that can be PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION or PARAMETER_TYPE::DEVICE (default: DEVICE).
  • parameters std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription>
    optional Vector of function parameters.
  • Usage
    // Setup a callback function in case of an application parameter change
    CallbackParameters callback_param;
    // Use "|" if you want your callback to be set on several parameters
    callback_param.setParameterCallback("onParamChange", "first_param|second_param", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE, PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION);
    // Register your function
    HubClient::registerFunction(onParamUpdate, callback_param);
    CallbackParameters static function reset ( ) Resets the CallbackParameters structure to reuse it.
    // Setup a callback function in case of an application parameter change
    CallbackParameters callback_param;
    callback_param.setParameterCallback("onFirstParamChange", "first_param", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE, PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION);
    // Register your function
    HubClient::registerFunction(onFirstParamUpdate, callback_param);
    // Reset the CallbackParameters structure
    callback_param.setParameterCallback("onSecondParamChange", "second_param", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE, PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION);
    // Register your function
    HubClient::registerFunction(onSecondParamUpdate, callback_param);


    DataParameters struct UpdateParameters A structure that defines parameters used in the HubClient::update function.
  • enable_recording bool
    Enable the recordings (default: true).
  • enable_zed_sdk_streaming bool
    Enable the SDK streaming (default: false).
  • enable_rtsp_streaming bool
    Enable the RTSP streaming (default: false).
  • recording_bitrate int
    Bitrate of the recordings in Kbit/s (default: 2200).
  • streaming_width int
    With of the streaming in pixel (default: 1280).
  • streaming_height int
    Height of the streaming in pixel (default: 720).
  • Usage
    UpdateParameters update_params;
    update_params.enable_rtsp_streaming = true;
    HubClient::register(p_zed, update_params);
    DataParameters struct LogParameters A structure that defines parameters for logs that can be used in the HubClient::sendLog function.
  • timestamp unsigned long long
    Defines the timestamp of the log in milliseconds. 0 gives the current timestamp when the log is sent.
  • retention int
    Retention of the log in days. 0 gives the default retention for logs.
  • reference std::string
    Gives a specific id to the log to be used to send data to this log.
  • reference_to std::string
    The log will be incremented to the log that was sent with this value as reference.
  • Usage
    LogParameters log_params;
    log_params.retention = 2; // 2 days
    HubClient::sendLog("Info log sent, will be deleted in 6 hours", LOG_LEVEL::INFO, "label", log_params);
    DataParameters struct TelemetryParameters A structure that defines parameters for telemetry that can be used in the HubClient::sendTelemetry function.
  • timestamp unsigned long long
    Defines the timestamp of the telemetry in milliseconds. 0 gives the current timestamp when the telemetry is sent.
  • retention int
    Retention for telemetry in days. 0 gives the default retention for telemetry.
  • tags std::string
    optional Tags to add to the telemetry.
  • Usage
    ts_start = getCurrentTimestamp();
    sl_iot::json telemetry_data;
    // Do some stuff with telemetry_data during a certain amount of time
    TelemetryParameters telemetry_params;
    telemetry_params.timestamp = ts_start;
    // Send the telemetry with the right timestamp
    HubClient::sendTelemetry("telem", telemetry_data, telemetry_params);
    DataParameters struct EventParameters A structure that defines parameters for events that can be used in the HubClient::startVideoEvent function.
  • timestamp unsigned long long
    Defines the timestamp of the event in milliseconds. 0 gives the current timestamp when the event is sent.
  • reference std::string
    Gives a specific id to the event to be used to send data to this event and update it.
  • reference_to std::string
    The data of this event will be incremented to the event that was sent with this value as reference. The duration attribute will be added by the cloud to the event data calculated from the new timestamp.
  • retention int
    Retention of the event in days. 0 gives the default retention for events.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Open the ZED Camera
    sl::ERROR_CODE errZed = p_zed->open();
    if (errZed != ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        HubClient::sendLog("Camera initialization error: " + std::string(toString(errZed)), LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    // Register the ZED Camera
    status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Registration: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Enable Object Detection
    // Main Loop
    sl::Mat depth_image;
    sl::Objects objects;
    bool same_event = false;
    std::string curr_event = "";
    unsigned long long curr_ts = 0;
    unsigned long long last_ts = 0;
    while(true) {
        if (p_zed->grab() == sl::ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
            // Use zed results
            curr_ts = getCurrentTimestamp();
            // If object list size is >= 5 send an event
            if (!same_event && objects.object_list.size() >= 5) {
                sl_iot::json value;
                value["nb_persons"] = objects.object_list.size();
                EventParameters event_params;
                // Give a unique id to the event
                curr_event = random_string();
                event_params.reference = curr_event;
                HubClient::startVideoEvent("crowd", value, event_params);
                same_event = true;
                last_ts = getCurrentTimestamp();
            // If object list size is still >= 5 after the event, update the event
            if (same_event && curr_ts > last_ts + 5000 && objects.object_list.size() >= 5) {
                sl_iot::json value["nb_persons"] = objects.object_list.size();
                // Give the current event id
                EventParameters event_params;
                event_params.reference_to = curr_event
                HubClient::startVideoEvent("crowd", value, event_params);
                same_event = true;
                last_ts = getCurrentTimestamp();
            // If object list size is not >= 5 anymore after 5 seconds, finish the event
            if (same_event && curr_ts > last_ts + 5000 && objects.object_list.size() < 5) {
                 same_event = false;
                 curr_event = "";
            // Live/Playback view will be the depth image.
    DataParameters struct WebRTCConfigurationParameters A structure that defines parameters to establish a WebRTC connection, used in the HubClient::setWebRTCConfig function.
  • signaling_host std::string
    Defines the host name of a signaling server.
  • signaling_port int
    Defines the port of a signaling server.
  • stun_host std::string
    Defines the host name of a STUN/TURN server.
  • stun_port int
    Defines the port of a STUN/TURN server.
  • stun_username std::string
    Defines a username used to connect to the STUN/TURN server.
  • stun_credential std::string
    Defines credentials used to connect to the STUN/TURN server.
  • data_provider_id std::string
    Defines the id of the device for the signaling server.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Set a custom WebRTC Configuration
    sl_iot::WebRTCConfigurationParameters config_params;
    config_params.signaling_host = "localhost";
    config_params.signaling_port = 8000;
    config_params.stun_host = "localhost"
    config_params.stun_port = 9000;
    config_params.stun_username = "username";
    config_params.stun_credential = "pwd";
    config_params.data_provider_id = "sender";
    status_iot = HubClient::setWebRTCConfig(config_params);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;


    Enumerates enum LOG_LEVEL Represents the available level of logs.
    • DEBUG log level for debugging
    • INFO log level for an info
    • STATUS log level for a status
    • WARNING log level for a warning
    • ERROR log level for an error
    • SUCCESS log level for a success
    • DISABLED level where no log will be sent
    HubClient::sendLog("Sample log", LOG_LEVEL::INFO);
    Enumerates function std::string toString ( LOG_LEVEL log_level ) Converts the given enumerated value into readable text.
  • log_level LOG_LEVEL
    The log level to convert to string
  • On Success std::string
    String that reflects the enumerated value.
  • On Error std::string
    String containing "Unknown" value.
  • Usage
    std::cout << toString(LOG_LEVEL::INFO) << std::endl;
    std::cout << LOG_LEVEL::INFO << std::endl;
    Enumerates enum STATUS_CODE Represent the status code that can be returned by functions. A successful function will return SUCCESS.
    • INVALID_SYSTEM_CLOCK The device has an invalid clock, which can mess with SSL certificates.
    • INVALID_TARGET A publish or a subscribe was called with an invalid \ref TARGET
    • NO_RECORDINGS_FOUND No recordings were found on the device.
    • CANNOT_LOAD_CONFIGURATION Cannot get the local device configuration.
    • CANNOT_CONNECT Cannot connect to ZED Hub.
    • FAILURE A function has failed.
    • INVALID_FUNCTION_CALL A function was called with invalid parameters.
    • INVALID_TOPIC A publish on an invalid topic was requested.
    • REST_REQUESTS_DISABLED A REST Request was called but the feature is disabled.
    • REQUEST_FAILED A REST Request has failed.
    • EMPTY_KEY A device configuration read or write was called with an empty key.
    • EMPTY_JSON A publish on a topic with an empty json is called.
    • NOT_INITIALIZED A function was used before HubClient::connect has been successfully called.
    • UNEXPECTED_INIT_TOKEN HubClient was initialized with a wrong token (application token for applications or device token for Edge Agent)
    • CANNOT_OPEN_FILE Error while opening a file.
    • SUCCESS No Error, Success.
    STATUS_CODE status = HubClient::isInitialized();
    std::cout << status << std::endl;
    Enumerates function std::string toString ( STATUS_CODE status ) Converts the given enumerated value into readable text.
  • status STATUS_CODE
    The log level to convert to string
  • On Success std::string
    String that reflects the enumerated value.
  • On Error std::string
    String containing "Unknown" value.
  • Usage
    std::cout << toString(STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) << std::endl;
    std::cout << STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS << std::endl;
    Enumerates enum REST_REQUEST_TYPE Specify the REST request to perform.
    • GET Defines a GET request.
    • POST Defines a POST request.
    • PUT Defines a PUT request.
    • DELETE Defines a DELETE request.
    // Get the device information through a REST request
    std::string workspace_url;
    std::string device_id;
    std::string endpoint = workspace_url + "/devices/" + device_id;
    json result;
    if (HubClient::performRESTRequest(result, REST_REQUEST_TYPE::GET, endpoint) == STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS)
        std::cout << "Device Information as REST response: " << result.dump(1) << std::endl;
    Enumerates function std::string toString ( REST_REQUEST_TYPE type ) Converts the given enumerated value into readable text.
    The rest request type to convert to string.
  • On Success std::string
    String that reflects the enumerated value.
  • On Error std::string
    String containing "Unknown" value.
  • Usage
    std::cout << toString(REST_REQUEST_TYPE::GET) << std::endl;
    std::cout << REST_REQUEST_TYPE::GET << std::endl;
    Enumerates enum TARGET Specify the communication target. This is used in the methods publishOnTopic and subscribeToTopic to specify the target recipient of the messages. TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE refers to localhost, TARGET::WORKSPACE refers to any device on the same local network.
    • LOCAL_DEVICE Target recipients are all applications that run on the current device.
    • WORKSPACE Target recipients are all devices in the current workspace.
    // Subscribe to the "myLocalData" topic on local device only
    HubClient::subscribeToTopic("myLocalData", onNewMessage, TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE);
    Enumerates enum CALLBACK_TYPE Defines the callback type for CallbackParameters.
    • ON_CONFIGURATION_UPDATE Callback type for a configuration setting update.
    • ON_REMOTE_CALL Callback type for a remote function call.
    • ON_RESTART_CALL Callback type for a restart request.
    • ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE Callback type for a parameter update.
    // Set a remote callback
    HubClient::setRemoteCallback("functionCall", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_REMOTE_CALL);
    Enumerates enum PARAMETER_TYPE Defines the parameter type for CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE CallbackParameters.
    • DEVICE The parameters is a device parameter (in device twin).
    • ON_REMOTE_CALL The parameter is an application parameter (in application twin).
    // Set a remote callback for the application parameter "alarm"
    HubClient::setParameterCallback("alarmUpdate", "alarm", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE, PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION);
    Enumerates function std::string toString ( CALLBACK_TYPE type ) Converts the given enumerated value into readable text.
    The rest request type to convert to string.
  • On Success std::string
    String that reflects the enumerated value.
  • On Error std::string
    String containing "Unknown" value.
  • Usage
    std::cout << toString(CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_REMOTE_CALL) << std::endl;
    std::cout << CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_REMOTE_CALL << std::endl;


    FunctionEvent class FunctionEvent This is used in the callback function as parameter.
  • status int
    Status of the event.
  • result json
    Result sent from the cloud. Can be emtpy.
  • Usage
    // Define a callback with a FunctionEvent as parameter
    void remoteCallback(FunctionEvent& event) {
       // Perform action on event
    FunctionEvent function std::string getFunctionName ( ) Get function name registered.
  • On Success std::string
    Function name as std::string.
  • Usage
    // Define a callback with a FunctionEvent as parameter
    void remoteCallback(FunctionEvent& event) {
       auto function_name = event.getFunctionName();
    FunctionEvent function json getEventParameters ( ) Get event parameters as json of the function event.
  • On Success json
    Event parameters as json.
  • Usage
    // Define a callback with a FunctionEvent as parameter
    void remoteCallback(FunctionEvent& event) {
       auto event_params = event.getEventParameters();
    FunctionEvent function int getEventParameterValue ( std::string parameter_key , T& parameter_value ) Parse the event parameters and extract value for parameter_key.
  • parameter_key std::string
    The name of the target parameter.
  • parameter_value T&
    A reference to a variable to store the value in.
  • On Success int
    An int set as 0.
  • On Error int
    An non-zero value.
  • Usage
    // Define a callback with a FunctionEvent as parameter
    void remoteCallback(FunctionEvent& event) {
       int value;
       auto status_code = event.getEventParameterValue("key", &value);
    FunctionEvent struct FunctionParameterDescription Defines a function parameter as a name and a default value.
  • name std::string
    Name of the parameter.
  • default_value std::string
    Default value of the parameter as std::string.
  • Usage
    FunctionParameterDescription param("unit", "meters");
    FunctionEvent static function json generateParametersDescription ( std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription> parameters ) Generate a parameter description
  • parameters std::vector<FunctionParameterDescription>
    Vector of function parameters
  • On Success json
    A json description of provided parameters
  • Usage
    std::vector parameters;
    parameters.push_back(FunctionParameterDescription("unit", "meters"));
    json result = generateParametersDescription(parameters);
    std::cout << result.dump() << std::endl;


    HubClient class HubClient Provides the main interface to connect your program to the cloud.

    This class can be used program-wide with the static functions it provides.

    An initial configuration is required using the connect function. This initialization is available in two ways:

    • Without a previously defined sl::Camera object: No video-related functions will be available, but Telemetry/Logs/Callbacks will still be available.
    • With a previously defined sl::Camera object: All video-related functions will be available.

    This class is implemented as a singleton, it means that the constructor isn't available and only the static functions should be used.

    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE connect ( std::string app_id , bool verbose ) Init function for an application that doesn't use the ZED Camera.

    This function does not require a sl::Camera object. Some functions (related to video) will not be available if this function is used without registering a camera with registerCamera.

  • app_id std::string
    An identifier for your application
  • verbose bool
    optional Set to false by default, whether the HubClient object will print verbose info in the console
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE isInitialized ( ) Returns the status of HubClient's initialization.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (HubClient::isInitialized() != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE disconnect ( ) Disconnect function that properly closes HubClient threads and connection.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    status_iot = HubClient::disconnect();
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE registerCamera ( std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera> camera , UpdateParameters parameters ) ZED camera registration function for an application.

    The ZED camera must be opened before being registered.

  • camera std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera>
    Shared pointer of an opened ZED camera object. ZED SDK feature.
  • parameters UpdateParameters
    Defines streaming and recording parameters. See UpdateParameters for more details.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Open the ZED Camera
    sl::ERROR_CODE errZed = p_zed->open();
    if (errZed != ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        HubClient::sendLog("Camera initialization error: " + std::string(toString(errZed)), LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    // Register the ZED Camera
    UpdateParameters update_params;
    status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed, update_params);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Registration: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE update ( std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera> camera , sl::Mat image ) Function called in the main loop that updates the video features, live stream and recording, of the sl_iot library. Commonly called after each p_zed->grab.

    This function is mandatory for the video module: if it is not called, the live stream and SVO/MP4 recording won't be available. HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • camera std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera>
    optional Shared pointer of the ZED camera to update features from. ZED SDK feature. If not filled, the update will loop on all registered ZED camera and use the left RGB image.
  • image sl::Mat
    optional Image from the SDK to update features. If not filled, the update will use the left RGB image.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Open the ZED Camera
    sl::ERROR_CODE errZed = p_zed->open();
    if (errZed != ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        HubClient::sendLog("Camera initialization error: " + std::string(toString(errZed)), LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    // Register the ZED Camera
    status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Registration: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Main Loop
    while(true) {
         if (p_zed->grab() == sl::ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
            // Use ZED results
            // An empty update will use the left image of the registered ZED camera
            // HubClient::update();
            // Otherwise, you can retrieve a matrix, play with it, and send it to Hub Client
            p_zed->retrieveImage(depth, VIEW::DEPTH);
            HubClient::update(p_zed, depth);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE setWebRTCConfig ( WebRTCConfigurationParameters parameters ) Function that sets specific configuration for the WebRTC video streaming and data communication feature of sl_iot.

    This function can be useful if you want to use a specific signaling or stun server

  • parameters WebRTCConfigurationParameters
    structure with servers URLs and other informations.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Set a custom WebRTC Configuration
    sl_iot::WebRTCConfigurationParameters config_params;
    config_params.signaling_host = "localhost";
    config_params.signaling_port = 8000;
    config_params.stun_host = "localhost"
    config_params.stun_port = 9000;
    config_params.stun_username = "username";
    config_params.stun_credential = "pwd";
    config_params.data_provider_id = "sender";
    status_iot = HubClient::setWebRTCConfig(config_params);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE setPeerName ( std::string peer_name ) Function that sets the name of the peer client that will use WebRTC video streaming, data communication features of sl_iot.

    This name will be used by the connectToPeer and sendDataToPeer functions to send data to your application.

  • peer_name std::string
    string containing the name of your peer client.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // TODO
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE connectToPeer ( std::string peer_name ) Function that connects to another peer to exchange data

    This name will be used by the connectToPeer and sendDataToPeer functions to send data to your application.

  • peer_name std::string
    string containing the name of your peer client.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // TODO
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE addPeerDataCallback ( std::string data_label , std::function<void> callback ) Function that adds a callback when receiving a data with a certain label from another peer

    The callback is an std::function with a int& status argument for the status code number, a std::string& answer argument with the message answer and std::string data argument with the content of the data in itself.

  • data_label std::string
    string containing the label of the data that triggers the callback.
  • callback std::function<void>
    with the function that will be called.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // TODO
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE sendDataToPeer ( std::string peer_name , std::string data_label , std::string message ) Function that sends data to a peer client.

    This function can only be used with peer clients available in the workspace your device was registered on, using names set with the setPeerName function.

  • peer_name std::string
    string containing the name of the peer client that will receive the data.
  • data_label std::string
    string containing the label of the data that will be sent.
  • message std::string
    string with the content of the data sent.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // TODO
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE sendDataToPeers ( std::string data_label , std::string message ) Function that sends data to all peer clients connected to the application's peer client.

    This function should be used when you want to stream data to many users.

  • data_label std::string
    string containing the label of the data that will be sent.
  • message std::string
    string with the content of the data sent.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // TODO
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getWorkspacePeers ( ) Function that returns an array of all the peer clients available in the workspace.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    an array of peer clients.
  • On Error std::vector[DataProvider]
    Empty array.
  • Usage
    // TODO
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE sendLog ( std::string or json message , LOG_LEVEL lvl , std::string label , LogParameters log_parameters ) Sends a log message (cloud and terminal, depending on LOG_LEVEL chosen).

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • message std::string or json
    Message to be sent in a string or json format.
  • lvl LOG_LEVEL
    LOG_LEVEL of the message. Will be filtered (displayed or not) according to Log level threshold set by setLogLevelThreshold.
  • label std::string
    optional Label of the message (can be filtered).
  • log_parameters LogParameters
    optional Defines a log parameter for this message. See LogParameters for more details.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    HubClient::sendLog("An error happened", LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    HubClient static function setLogLevelThreshold ( LOG_LEVEL local_terminal_log_level , LOG_LEVEL cloud_log_level ) Sets the log level limit to be displayed. Every log with LOG_LEVEL below the limit will not be printed.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • local_terminal_log_level LOG_LEVEL
    Log limit for terminal display.
  • cloud_log_level LOG_LEVEL
    Log limit for cloud display.
  • Usage
    // set threshold to error for terminal and info for cloud
    HubClient::setLogLevelThreshold(LOG_LEVEL::ERROR, LOG_LEVEL::INFO);
    // this log will be printed in terminal but not sent to the cloud
    HubClient::sendLog(log_msg, LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    HubClient static function getLogLevelThreshold ( LOG_LEVEL& local_terminal_log_level , LOG_LEVEL& cloud_log_level ) Gets the current log level limit.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • local_terminal_log_level LOG_LEVEL&
    Log limit for terminal display is returned in this variable.
  • cloud_log_level LOG_LEVEL&
    Log limit for cloud display is returned in this variable.
  • Usage
    // get threshold
    LOG_LEVEL terminal_log, cloud_log;
    HubClient::getLogLevelThreshold(terminal_log, cloud_log);
    std::cout << "Terminal Log: " << terminal_log << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Cloud Log: " << cloud_log << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE sendTelemetry ( std::string label , json value , TelemetryParameters telemetry_parameters ) Sends a telemetry to the cloud. The telemetry will be stored on the cloud and can then be queried.

    Telemetry are data produced or calculated that meant to be reported to the cloud for further process.

    Combination of a label (i.e. a key), a format-free json value and internal metadata.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • label std::string
    Label that defines the telemetry. This label can later be queried on the cloud for data filtering for example.
  • value json
    Format-free json that contains the telemetry metadata values.
  • telemetry_parameters TelemetryParameters
    optional Parameters for events. See TelemetryParameters for more details.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Open the ZED Camera
    sl::ERROR_CODE errZed = p_zed->open();
    if (errZed != ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        HubClient::sendLog("Camera initialization error: " + std::string(toString(errZed)), LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    // Register the ZED Camera
    status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Registration: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    std::string label= "environment";
    json value;
    value["temperature"] = 21.0; // °C
    value["humidity"] = 91;      // %
    HubClient::sendTelemetry(label, value);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE publishOnTopic ( std::string topic , json value , TARGET target ) Publishes a message (json format) on the specified topic.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • topic std::string
    Defines the topic name.
  • value json
    Message to be sent in a json format.
  • target TARGET
    optional Defines the recipient of the message.

    If TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE is used, only the applications on the device that subscribed to this topic will receive the message.

    If TARGET::WORKSPACE is used, all the applications on the devices of the workspace that are running and that subscribed to this topic will receive the message.

  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // To only my device
    json val_device;
    val_device["message"] = "Hello myself";
    HubClient::publishOnTopic("myLocalData", val_device, TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE);
    // To all devices in the workspace
    json val_lan;
    val_lan["message"] = "Hello all";
    HubClient::publishOnTopic("myWorkspaceData", val_lan, TARGET::WORKSPACE);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE subscribeToTopic ( std::string topic , std::function<void> callback , TARGET target ) Subscribes to a specified topic with a callback function.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • topic std::string
    Defines the topic name.
  • callback std::function<void>
    Pointer to a function callback that will be called when a message is received on the subscribed topic. The function must have the following signature: void callback(const std::string& topic, const std::string& message, TARGET target)
    • const std::string& topic that defines the topic name.
    • const std::string& message that defines the message (generally json but to be parsed).
    • TARGET target that defines the recipient of the message.
  • target TARGET
    optional Defines the recipient of the message.

    If TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE is used, will receive messages only from applications on the device that send to this topic.

    If TARGET::WORKSPACE is used, will receive messages only from applications on devices of the workspace that send to this topic.

  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    void onNewMessage(std::string topic, std::string message, TARGET target, void *args) {
       std::cout << "Message Received: " << message << std:::endl;
    int main() {
       // Init sl_iot
       STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
       if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
           std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
       HubClient::subscribeToTopic("myLocalData", onNewMessage, TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE unsubscribeToTopic ( std::string topic , TARGET target ) Unsubscribes to a specified topic with a callback function.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • topic std::string
    Defines the topic name.
  • target TARGET
    optional Defines the recipient of the message.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    void onNewMessage(const std::string& topic, const std::string& message, TARGET target) {
       std::cout << "Message Received: " << message << std:::endl;
    int main() {
       // Init sl_iot
       STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
       if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
           std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
       HubClient::subscribeToTopic("myLocalData", onNewMessage, TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE);
       //Do stuff
       HubClient::unsubscribeToTopic("myLocalData", TARGET::LOCAL_DEVICE);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE startVideoEvent ( std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera> target_camera , std::string label , json value , EventParameters event_params ) Starts a video event.

    The video event data will be stored on the cloud and can then be queried alongside the associated video if it's available on the device.

    Video events are data produced or calculated, associated with a recorded video on a device, that need to be reported on the cloud for further process.

    It's a combination of a label (i.e. a key), a format-free json value, a recorded video and internal metadata.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • target_camera std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera>
    Shared pointer of the target ZED camera. ZED SDK feature.
  • label std::string
    Label that defines the event. This label can later be queried on the cloud for data filtering for example.
  • value json
    Format-free json that contains the event metadata value.
  • event_params EventParameters
    optional Parameters for events. See EventParameters for more details.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Open the ZED Camera
    sl::ERROR_CODE errZed = p_zed->open();
    if (errZed != ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        HubClient::sendLog("Camera initialization error: " + std::string(toString(errZed)), LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    // Register the ZED Camera
    status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Registration: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Enable Object Detection
    // Main Loop
    sl::Mat depth_image;
    sl::Objects objects;
    while(true) {
        if (p_zed->grab() == sl::ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
            // Use zed results
            if (objects.object_list.size() >= 5) {
                sl_iot::json value;
                value["nb_persons"] = objects.object_list.size();
                HubClient::startVideoEvent(p_zed, "crowd", value);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE updateVideoEvent ( std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera> target_camera , std::string label , json value , EventParameters event_params ) Update a video event.

    HubClient::startVideoEvent must be called before using this function.

  • target_camera std::shared_ptr<sl::Camera>
    Shared pointer of the target ZED camera. ZED SDK feature.
  • label std::string
    Label that defines the event. This label can later be queried on the cloud for data filtering for example.
  • value json
    Format-free json that contains the event metadata value.
  • event_params EventParameters
    optional Parameters for events. See EventParameters for more details.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Create a ZED Object
    std::shared_ptr p_zed;
    p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Open the ZED Camera
    sl::ERROR_CODE errZed = p_zed->open();
    if (errZed != ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        HubClient::sendLog("Camera initialization error: " + std::string(toString(errZed)), LOG_LEVEL::ERROR);
    // Register the ZED Camera
    status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Registration: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Enable Object Detection
    // Main Loop
    sl::Mat depth_image;
    sl::Objects objects;
    bool event_started = false;
    while(true) {
        if (p_zed->grab() == sl::ERROR_CODE::SUCCESS) {
            // Use zed results
            if (objects.object_list.size() >= 5) {
                sl_iot::json value;
                value["nb_persons"] = objects.object_list.size();
                if (event_started) {
                    HubClient::updateVideoEvent(p_zed, "crowd", value);
                } else {
                    HubClient::startVideoEvent(p_zed, "crowd", value);
                    event_started = true;
            } else {
                event_started = false; 
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE purgeVideoStream ( ) Purge the HLS (streaming protocol) live playlist and remove any remaining segment. This can be used when changing camera settings of ZED camera (brightness, contrast, ...).

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE registerFunction ( std::function<void(FunctionEvent event)> callback , CallbackParameters callback_parameters ) Registers a function callback associated with a function name.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • callback std::function<void(FunctionEvent event)>
    Function callback that will be called. The function must have these arguments:
    • FunctionEvent# event: A FunctionEvent containing data to be used in the callback. See FunctionEvent for more infos.
  • callback_parameters CallbackParameters
    Parameters containing information about the callback function, name, type etc. See CallbackParameters for more infos.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Callback function
    void onInitParamUpdate(FunctionEvent &event) {
        event.status = 0;
        HubClient::sendLog("Init Parameters Update. Re-opening the camera.",LOG_LEVEL::INFO);
        sl::InitParameters initParameters;
        initParameters.camera_resolution = (sl::RESOLUTION) HubClient::getParameter("camera_resolution", (int) RESOLUTION::HD2K);
        initParameters.camera_image_flip = HubClient::getParameter("camera_image_flip", false);
        initParameters.camera_fps = HubClient::getParameter("camera_fps", 15);
    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        // Create camera object
        std::shared_ptr p_zed;
        p_zed.reset(new sl::Camera());
        // Init sl_iot
        STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect();
        if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
            std::cout << "HubClient " << status_iot << std::endl;
        status_iot = HubClient::registerCamera(p_zed);
        if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
            std::cout << "Registration " << status_iot << std::endl;
        // Setup a callback function in case of an application parameter change
        CallbackParameters callback_param;
        // Use "|" if you want your callback to be set on several parameters
        callback_param.setParameterCallback("onParamChange", "camera_resolution|camera_fps|camera_image_flip", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE);
        // Register your function
        HubClient::registerFunction(onInitParamUpdate, callback_param);
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE unregisterFunction ( std::string function_name ) Unregisters callback associated with the function name.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • function_name std::string
    The function name of the function to be unregistered.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Setup a callback function in case of an application parameter change
    CallbackParameters callback_param;
    // Use "|" if you want your callback to be set on several parameters
    callback_param.setParameterCallback("onParamChange", "camera_resolution|camera_fps|camera_image_flip", CALLBACK_TYPE::ON_PARAMETER_UPDATE);
    // Register your function
    HubClient::registerFunction(onInitParamUpdate, callback_param);
    // Unregister your function
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getDeviceId ( std::string result ) Gets the device unique id that is stored on the cloud.

    This is the device id parameter that needs to be used in a REST request. See the REST API doc for more details.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result std::string
    Device id stored in a std::string.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    std::string device_id;
    std::cout << "Device Id: " << device_id << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getDeviceType ( std::string& result ) Gets the device type from the device twin.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result std::string&
    Device type stored in a std::string.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    std::string device_type;
    std::cout << "Device Type: " << device_type << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getDeviceName ( std::string& result ) Gets the device name from the device twin.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result std::string&
    Device name stored in a std::string.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    std::string device_name;
    std::cout << "Device Name: " << device_name << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getWorkspaceId ( std::string& result ) Gets the workspace unique id that is stored on the cloud.

    This is the workspace id parameter that needs to be used in a REST request. See the REST API doc for more details.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result std::string&
    Workspace id stored in a std::string.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    std::string workspace_id;
    std::cout << "Workspace Id: " << workspace_id << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getWorkspaceUrl ( std::string& result ) Gets the workspace URL of the current workspace.

    This is the region URL parameter that needs to be used in a REST request. See the REST API doc for more details.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result std::string&
    Workspace URL stored in a std::string.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.0
  • Usage
    std::string workspace_url;
    std::cout << "Workspace URL: " << workspace_url << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getCloudUrl ( std::string& result ) Gets the cloud URL.

    This is the workspace URL parameter that needs to be used in a REST request. See the REST API doc for more details.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result std::string&
    Cloud URL stored in a std::string.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    std::string cloud_url;
    std::cout << "Cloud URL: " << cloud_url << std::endl;
    HubClient static function vector<string> getHeaders ( ) Returns base headers for REST Request to the cloud with "Authorization" containing an access token.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • On Success vector[string]
    Vector containing the base "Authorization" header containing an access token.
  • On Error vector[string]
    Empty vector.
  • Usage
    std::vector headers = HubClient::getHeaders();
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE performRESTRequest ( json& result , REST_REQUEST_TYPE type , std::string url , json payload , std::vector<string> headers ) Generic function to perform a REST request. See the REST API doc for more details.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • result json&
    JSON response of the request.
    Defines the request type: GET, PUT, POST or DELETE as an enum for simplicity.
  • url std::string
    URL that defines the end point of the request.
  • payload json
    optional JSON payload to add to the request. Not used in GET request.
  • headers std::vector<string>
    optional Headers to add to the REST Request, default is the result of HubClient::getHeader containing "Authorization" header with access token.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    // Init sl_iot
    STATUS_CODE status_iot = HubClient::connect(app_name);
    if (status_iot != STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS) {
        std::cout << "Status: " << status_iot << std::endl;
    // Get the device information through a REST request
    std::string workspace_url;
    std::string device_id;
    std::string endpoint = workspace_url + "/devices/" + device_id;
    json result;
    if (HubClient::performRESTRequest(result,REST_REQUEST_TYPE::GET,endpoint) == STATUS_CODE::SUCCESS)
        std::cout << "Device Information as REST response: " << result.dump(1) << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE getConfiguration ( std::string key , json& result ) Gets the content of a section of the device twin.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • key std::string
    The name of the section of the device twin, subsections are separated by dots.
  • result json&
    The content of the device twin section stored in a json.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    sl_iot::json content;
    // Get host software description from the device twin.
    HubClient::getConfiguration("host.software", content);
    std::cout << content.dump(2) << std::endl;
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE updateConfiguration ( std::string key , json& new_conf ) Updates the content of a section of the device twin.

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • key std::string
    The key of the section of the device twin, subsection are separated by dots.
  • new_conf json&
    The new value of the device twin section to update.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    sl_iot::json content;
    // Get user_data from the device twin.
    HubClient::getConfiguration("user_data", content);
    std::cout << "Before: " << content.dump(2) << std::endl;
    content["data"] = 3
    // Update user_data
    HubClient::updateConfiguration("user_data", content);
    HubClient::getConfiguration("user_data", content);
    std::cout << "After: " << content.dump(2) << std::endl;
    HubClient static function T& getParameter ( std::string parameter_name , PARAMETER_TYPE parameter_type , T default_value ) Gets the requested device/application parameter defined by its name (parameters.requested in device/application twin).

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • parameter_name std::string
    Defines the parameter name that is stored on the cloud.
  • parameter_type PARAMETER_TYPE
    The type of the parameter PARAMETER_TYPE::DEVICE for device parameters PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION for application parameters.
  • default_value T
    The default value to return if no parameter is found.
  • On Success T#
    The value of the parameter.
  • Usage
    std::string param_str = HubClient::getParameter("first_param", PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION, "default_value");
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE setParameter ( std::string parameter_name , PARAMETER_TYPE parameter_type , T& value ) Sets the requested device/application parameter defined by its name (parameters.requested in device/application twin).

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • parameter_name std::string
    Defines the parameter name that is stored on the cloud.
  • parameter_type PARAMETER_TYPE
    The type of the parameter PARAMETER_TYPE::DEVICE for device parameters PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION for application parameters.
  • value T&
    The value to to set.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    HubClient::setParameter("first_param", PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION, "value");
    HubClient static function STATUS_CODE reportParameter ( std::string parameter_name , PARAMETER_TYPE parameter_type , T value ) Reports the device/application parameter defined by its name (parameters.reported in device/application twin).

    HubClient::connect must be called before using this function.

  • parameter_name std::string
    Defines the parameter name that is stored on the cloud.`
  • parameter_type PARAMETER_TYPE
    The type of the parameter PARAMETER_TYPE::DEVICE for device parameters PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION for application parameters.
  • value T
    The value to to set.
  • On Success STATUS_CODE
    The SUCCESS status code.
  • On Error STATUS_CODE
    Any other status code != SUCCESS.
  • Usage
    HubClient::reportParameter("first_param", PARAMETER_TYPE::APPLICATION, "value");