Mat Member List

This is the complete list of members for Mat, including all inherited members.

alloc(size_t width, size_t height, MAT_TYPE mat_type, MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
alloc(Resolution resolution, MAT_TYPE mat_type, MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
clone(const Mat &src)Mat
copyTo(Mat &dst, COPY_TYPE cpyType=COPY_TYPE::CPU_CPU, cudaStream_t stream=0) constMat
free(MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU|MEM::GPU)Mat
getChannels() constMatinline
getDataType() constMatinline
getHeight() constMatinline
getMemoryType() constMatinline
getPixelBytes() constMatinline
getPtr(const MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU) constMat
getResolution() constMatinline
getStep(MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU) constMatinline
getStep(MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU) constMatinline
getStepBytes(const MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU) constMat
getValue(const size_t x, const size_t y, N *value, const MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU) constMat
getWidth() constMatinline
getWidthBytes() constMatinline
isInit() constMatinline
isMemoryOwner() constMatinline
Mat(size_t width, size_t height, MAT_TYPE mat_type, MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
Mat(size_t width, size_t height, MAT_TYPE mat_type, sl::uchar1 *ptr, size_t step, MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
Mat(size_t width, size_t height, MAT_TYPE mat_type, sl::uchar1 *ptr_cpu, size_t step_cpu, sl::uchar1 *ptr_gpu, size_t step_gpu)Mat
Mat(Resolution resolution, MAT_TYPE mat_type, MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
Mat(Resolution resolution, MAT_TYPE mat_type, sl::uchar1 *ptr, size_t step, MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
Mat(Resolution resolution, MAT_TYPE mat_type, sl::uchar1 *ptr_cpu, size_t step_cpu, sl::uchar1 *ptr_gpu, size_t step_gpu)Mat
Mat(const Mat &mat)Mat
move(Mat &dst)Mat
operator=(const Mat &that)Mat
read(const String &filePath)Mat
setFrom(const Mat &src, COPY_TYPE cpyType=COPY_TYPE::CPU_CPU, cudaStream_t stream=0)Mat
setTo(const T &value, const sl::MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU, cudaStream_t stream=0)Mat
setValue(const size_t x, const size_t y, const N &value, const sl::MEM memory_type=MEM::CPU)Mat
swap(Mat &mat1, Mat &mat2)Matstatic
updateCPUfromGPU(cudaStream_t stream=0)Mat
updateGPUfromCPU(cudaStream_t stream=0, int GPU_id=0)Mat
write(const String &filePath, sl::MEM memory_type=sl::MEM::CPU, int compression_level=-1)Mat